Default Flight Aircraft.


Staff member
I changed my default aircraft a long time ago. I've had serveral different ones saved as the default since I first installed FS9, but it's been Milton's Beech 18 cargo variant for a long time now. With my Merc Air paint, it's my favorite aircraft for the sim.

What's your default aircraft?
Very nice, I wonder what hangar I left mine parked in...maybe I should follow the trails of beer bottles back to her.
Everytime I open up FS2004 I'm in the mood for a different aircraft, so default is irrelevent to me. Seeing the Beech 18 makes me want to fly it again though, so that will probably be what I try next time. It really is top notch.

Seeing your picture of the panel makes me wonder something. That big blue phillips head screw sticks out at the top of the panel. Does that bother anyone else as much as it did me? I used DXTBMP to get rid of it.
That screwhead hasn't really bothered me as I've never really paid it much attention.

I did get to wondering and had to go look in the folder but I've got 84 different paints for it. Probably my default DC-3 is the only other one to come close to that.
Like a lot of folks I periodically change my default aircraft. For the last few months I've been using the RealAir Scout. A fantastic, little, high quality, plane.
Since I usually have multiple installs of FS9 for the various types of aircraft, I leave the C172 as my default plane since it is common between all installs. I suppose it could be any of the stock planes...

For the longest time my default aircraft has been the Lockheed Vega (albeit with many modifications). However I have been flying Yann Koun's Cessna 404 Titan (again with many modifications) a lot lately and this will likey take the place of my Vega at some point.
Since my FS9 reinstall last Oct, it's been the default Lockheed Vega. Prior to that the Howard 500 was the default for a long time.
My default is Bill Lyons Tri-pacer....however, lately I've been flying the mooney a lot..picked up a couple of paints that made the vc look real nice and with a TrackIr I do almost all flying in the VC...big fun!!!
For quite some time now I've used an L-17 Navion as my default aircraft which I've modified a little bit.

I also default into my own "private" airport which I made for FS9 and I've gone one step further by programming the radio's on the aircraft so when I turn them on the freq's are already set up for the airport.

Along with all that, I now have my own FS Host server (with multiple hop lists) and a TeamSpeak server (2 and 3) which I keep on 24/7 on the weekends (for now)!!! I eventually plan on keeping the servers on all the time but for now it's just been the weekends.

BTW, if anyone would like to stop by and say hi (or fly some hop lists) - the server's can be found at


For as long as I can remember my default aircraft in both FS9 and GW3 has been Bill Lyons' Grumman Goose in Heather Sherman's BFU paint.
My default is the stock C182 set to cold and dark, including mags off. But oddly enough, if I start a flight with multi-precip plane, the mag switches start in the Both position instead of Off. I never have been able to fix that...
I keep the default C172 when starting, then switch to one of my favorite AC. Usually Bill Lyon's Cub for short flights or the default DC3 for longer flights. For something faster, Ill jump into a WW2 fighter.
Milton's DH80 at Skagit Valley Regional, using Holger's cascades and puget sound scenery. Sometimes I change to the Beech amphib for ambitious trips eastward into the river valleys

Not only do I get to fly from skagit in FS2004, we drive to Skagit Valley in RL2010 for fresh salmon from La Conner and all the tulips you can imagine in the spring.

Gotta get the hula gal into the Pousse-Moeuth....