Defiant Problem


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Well not so much a problem of the Defiant as of my understanding of how it works.

I am having real issues getting my Gunner to fire at anything.

I have flown up along side an HE-111 and nothing we end up looking like a Swiss cheese from the bombers defensive fire but we have not fired a shot.

I am convinced I am doing something wrong, or perhaps my flying is so bad the poor Gunner is scared into a catatonic state!

Either way any advice would be much appreciated.

Similar issues here from a single try-out, though it did sometimes work, and over different arcs:



I was wondering if the 'C' cockpit toggle dropped the fairings ahead of and behind the turret and if it did, whether that made any difference, but I haven't tried that yet. My experience with this sort of thing in many sims (eg WoFF) is that it's not much different, and that putting on the autopilot and jumping to the gunner's station is often needed to get significantly different results.
I know on the real Defiant the turret fairings had to be lowered, so perhaps that is modelled here.

I will have a look. Thanks
Increased traverse rate from 45 to 90, arcs from 120 to 180, dropped the fairings, and it seems much better, day or night! This is all in QC:





Job done, Huns shot down or scared away, time to ride off into the sunset...bring on the 109s...I think...!

There are three in my ETO, two night fighters (one of which comes under 'Canada') and one day. I think they came with the Expansion, as I have installed very few additional aircraft into it. But they may be available as independent downloads in the files library here. The Defiant Days set of missions is certainly there.
My Defiant came with the Battle of Britain add on. As did the Gladiator.

The only extra aircraft I have added is the Tiger Moth. A) because it's a nice trainer and B) because I like it. Great for sight seeing! :wiggle: