Defining and changing airfield land type


Hi Folks,
Just picking some brains.

Can anyone give me a lead on what defines in the bgl the surface type of an airfield, not the runways/taxiways/parking areas/aprons etc, but the land in between ie grass/dirt etc.

I've analysed some airfield bgls and not finding anything obvious.

Also I want to ID a specific standard Fs2004 airfield, again a bit off info on that would be apprciated.

Many thanks.

You can modify airport backgrounds with Sbuilder.
The default background of a stock airport can be removed with it and replaced with a new background which itself is a landclass file that then lies above the surrounding scenery landclass.
I hope this makes sense?
There is a tutorial by Jon Masterson about modifying airport backgrounds.
I do not know anymore where I got this from but I can sent it to you.

I do understand what you mean by "ID a specific standard FS2004 airfield"?
Hi H,
Thanks for the reply.

Yes, found Sbuilder (with the tutorial), and had a play with it. Very useful for stock stuff, so I will be using that for other things in the future.

The term ID is short for IDentify, so I found I could use BGLAnalyse to ID an airfield, which again is useful.

The airfield I am working on is Juvincourt, which was made originally by Achim for CFS2...centuries ago. I spent a lot of time messing around with scasm to see if I could alter various things, but no luck.

BUT I have got round it by simply using FSSC to create a landing area overlaying the airfield, which is of the right land class. So now it's how I want it!..hurrah!


All my FlightSims- FS9, FSX, X-plane and B-17 are on the blink and I'm waiting for FS20!
You may well have seen the videos about it and apparently the runways now conform to the ground underneath them, which is pretty redical. But it's not out yet, so no help to you in this instance!
I'll get me coat.
