Delete Rolling Cache File


Charter Member
One of the Content Creators that focus on MSFS 2020 via Youtube suggested after the last "update" to delete your rolling cache file . Would this be considered a maintenance item to be performed on a semi regular basis ? Regards
yes - it is recommended to do this after every update both Sim Updates and World Updates, and now the newer Cities Updates as well as anytime you add
a scenery. This will ensure that the new updated or purchased enhancements are being run on your local machine - and not the older 'cached' scenery and textures
It takes so little time, it's a no-brainer. I do it before I close to the desktop after every flight. First off I use Google Earth maps (MSFS 2020 Map Enhancement tool)when I fly, but when doing scenery, I simply open MSFS and do my thing. But while doing it, MSFS is using BING Maps. Therefore, I do not want any BING Map features showing up when I am flying in Google Maps, ergo I always flush the Rolling Cache so I do not get any BING Map conflicts.

FWIW I turned OFF the cache soon after release. I do not fly in the same area consistently and have a fast connection. No detriment whatsoever.
if you have true unlimited data from your IP and a fast connection - also a fast processor - then you can get away with it
For the rest of us it just lets you store locally and access faster the scenery files you would typically use if you fly in the same regions and areas typically.