Don't know if anyone has this boat, but I downloaded it recently to cruise around the Glacier Bay area. Beautiful boat, nice VC and nice sounds, but the windshield is too opaque and I want to move it more to the transparent side than it is right now. I e-mailed the designer and he e-mailed back that he didn't have GMax installed and since it was a 2004 model there wasn't any way to change the opacity.
If it's coded into the model (I've already tried working with the glass_t.bmp to no avail), isn't there a utility that allows you make changes to the values in the mdl file? Also, has anyone else tried working this problem previous and come up with a fix?
If it's coded into the model (I've already tried working with the glass_t.bmp to no avail), isn't there a utility that allows you make changes to the values in the mdl file? Also, has anyone else tried working this problem previous and come up with a fix?