Der Boche ez recrutink!!!



[to the sound of German marching music]

Ah mine kinderz!! On ze dawn of der new era in OFF, Der Boche eez growink!!

Vee vill prevail againzt Der Krumpet Menace!!

Join me, unt fight zem on all frontz!! Vee haf der great Dental and over 401k Plan too!!

View attachment 67052 View attachment 67053

Blah blah blah..the krumpets will win the war anyway :costumes:.
Herr Stachel!
I, Vizefeldwebel Josef Richter von Feuerbock, offer my experience undt zkillz az ze combat flieger to you undt ze Fazzerland. May vee emerge victorious againzt ze enemy and enjoy krumpets and coffee for ze breakfazt. Tea! :barf:

zigned, Vizefeldwebel Josef Richter von Feuervogel
Yass ! Fli agennst ze darrk zide ! Assquizz has zett he vontz to nock-out oua farzerlent allreddy in 1912, ennt now hee deeclaired vorr to uzz. Oua Kaysar vill antzer hym wizze rite vurtz !
Tshoyn uss ennt fly agennzt ze krumpetz !
:ernae: :friday::isadizzy:
Oops (hick) greetinks,
Otto Wels (which is german for O. "Catfish")

P.S. kenn ennyvun reet zis ?
Deer Baron von Stachel
I am proud zat I can tell you, I have enlisted and began serviz in JaSta 2 in September 1919. Durink ze first week, vee have shot down uncounted lots of Nieuports und Spads, but ze crumpets must have ssouzends of planes - zey always come back for more! But vee vill continue our battle to vipe ze crumpetz from the skies, viz courage and devotion, until ze last man.
Baron von Mahlo

PS: Gousgounis, the Allies may win this war (only, cause the rate is mostly 3 of ours against 6 or 7 of them), but it is certainly more fun flying our side: 1. individually painted colourful planes; and 2. two guns are standard on every plane after the E III (I LIKE to shredder anything with concordes on). Try it on our side - you'll see, it's the greater fun, believe me!
Cheers; Olham

PPS: Off cozz I can reed zis, Otto von Wels, az itz ritten in proper Englisch. Good you're zere vizz us. For ze Fazzerland!
Deer Baron von Stachel
I am proud zat I can tell you, I have enlisted and began serviz in JaSta 2 in September 1919. Durink ze first week, vee have shot down uncounted lots of Nieuports und Spads, but ze crumpets must have ssouzends of planes - zey always come back for more!
Baron von Mahlo
Cheers; Olham

Hear, Hear, Oldman,
That's not sporting, wot! The war is over, we were just coming over to bring you a spot of tepid tea and some gooey crumpets. If you don't like them, just say so!
Herr Hauptmann Stachel,
I am proud to zerve underr zee Kaiser! Vee vill sveep der skies of zee krumpetz! Victory vill be ours! Und all zee men on zee grownd vill rejoice in our countlezz victoryz. Let no mans land be leetered viss de ugly brown planez.
Alles Fur Duetchland!
-Luetnant Rudolf Spaatz
Jasta 15
Was ist das eigentlich für ein Dialekt? Hun Villain Hollywood Dialect? :costumes:
Herr Stachel!
I am happy to inform you off ze latezt missssion! I undt five of our illustrious fliegers haff already started dezimatink ze ranks off ze krumpet fliegers. Ve deztroyed zix Zopwith Camels viss myself claiming 5 viss sree krumpet pilotz confirmed dead. Ve haff been doink our bezt to zave ze ammunition too. I fired 830 rounds viss 418 hits for 50%. At zis pace ve vill haff ze skies clear in no time!

Vizefeldwebel Josef Richter von Feuervogel

Long live ze Fazzerland!
I like it, Luftwaffles lol, hot and steaming full of hot air and waffle.

They don't like it up 'em.
Did you notice the "Fritz Tomato Ketchup" on ending of the clip?
Nice vid :applause:
Oooops- wrong year. Maybe, that's why they didn't shoot back?
(To be honest: I'm a great tea drinker. I'm born in Ostfriesland; that is a region in the north-west of Germany, were we drink lots of tea (mainly Assam tea). We only don't spoil it by pouring lots of milk in, like the crumpets - just a spoonfull of cream, and it's wonderful).

That's a great find of a Tube Video; I'll send the link to all my friends. And: yes, Otto von Wels fits better with your plane.

Dialect? Vott dialect doz der Gremlin mean? From seink films about der WW1, evrybody knows, der Boche speekz ziss Deunglish.

Hey, Gousgounis
FRITZ ketchup, right, hadn't noticed first. As if HEINZ wasn't German enough. Good video.

This is a nice thread against December melancholy; thank you all.
Herr Ovs,

du wie geht ze leather pants, pointy helmet und apple strudel on joining up?

If ja, zen pass me die pen und fetch me ein DrI:wavey:
Join me, unt fight zem on all frontz!! Vee haf der great Dental and over 401k Plan too!!
woo hoo :ernae:

Jawohl Herr Häuptmann,

du hast meine sevice!!! ja we will brinkt glory für ze vatterland!! i amm proudz zu serv ze vatterland :friday:
we musss ende ze krumpett menace!!

komme zu de darke side, wee have cookies!!! :ernae:
[At a dimly lit chalete dinning room table, OvS pushes himself to stand up at a table surrounded by his Jasta of OFF German airmen... smelling heavily of beer and saurkraut. Leaning on Murry Cod, he looks around the room with a big smile, then holds up his full stein... as is spills over....]


mINe KiDeeRs... vEE aRE DeR BEES... EERR <hic> BEST... jah.... bESt Peelots... <hic>

[OvS breaks in to a German military song]

Nine... VaIT... VAIT a Minuete....HOld on...

[OvS falls flat on his back, the music starts again... and the boys all start laughing as they pick him up off the floor] :friday:

Vee ViLL KrUSh dEr kRupeTZ cOme jAnUary!!!!! Bu-hahahahahaha!!! ZOOFA!!!! :ernae:
Vee ViLL KrUSh dEr kRupeTZ cOme jAnUary!!!!! Bu-hahahahahaha!!! ZOOFA!!!! :ernae:

Ok, January, it is finally out. Drunks, fools an little children always say the truth. :costumes: