desert skins

which aircraft?
usually what i do is make my own if i can find a template...
any airctaft will do, but ones that saw cirvis in North africa so i dont have to fly over the desert in green and gray.
hmm...well i'll see what i can come up with...already got the p-39 covered:kilroy:
i dont realy care what aircraft type, just as long as it has no unit /nation/markings or leters. like the default skins of the default aircraft, just in desert colors, so i can fly africa maps with out standing out like a sore thumb, thanks in advance.
Also i went to mission 4 today, and serch desert, and foun that almost all aircraft had a no markings skin with the main one.
i have uploaded the following skins:

generic desert P-39 witout markings
desert P-39 with USAAF Torch markings
generic desert Bf-110G without markings
generic desert A-20G without markings

if there is any further intrest i'll try to upload some more for different a/c.
thank you, i will use these and post my first skinning attemps. i think i will attempt a desert storch, plain tan. in some vids i found on aaa, made by vagabond, he menenched some WWII color templates to use for acurit colors in photoshop. can some one tell me where to find these?

edit, sorry but in what cadagory are they, maby i am not looking hard enough.
they are uploaded Norm but i don't think they have em posted takes a little while before they get em in the download section.

they should be under IL2 repaints when they are posted.