Dessau cfs1scenery in FS2004 FSGW3


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Hallo friends,

i searched for a my FS2004 FSGW3 a scenery representing Dessau the old Junkers site.
I just found an old cfs1 scenery.
Just for a try I installed it.
Hmmm the scenery is there at the right place and shows quiet well for such an old scenery. But when I am on the ground the ground is flickering and not stable.
Can some one give some advice how to resolve this problem or point me to an acceptable scenery which would work in FS2004 FSGW3 ?

happy landings
Ran into that issue (or a very similar one) when we adapted Maskrider's CFS-2 NAS Glendale scenery to GW/FS9, and nobody could figure out how to fix it.

It was a fairly common issue at stock airports in FS2002. Back in the day someone released a big collection of fixes for a lot of airports. It turned out to be impossible to contact the developer, and nobody could figure out a way to open and reverse engineer one of those files to see how it was done.
If it's runway and taxiway textures that are flickering, try opening the afcad portion and raising it up a few inches at a time.
Goog morning Tom,

I have tried with afcad to rise the reference point and the runway, I tried by removing the original scene, also to reactive the original scene but putting the cfs1 essau under it in the scenery cfg, also I tried to raise the new scenery a bit in altitude- Nothing changed in a positive way. It seems that the cfs1 Dessau scene swimms under the original one. The buildings are clearely visible, the surrounding areas are clear but the taxiways, the runways and the ground textures are flickering through the original scene.
I' m sure that my knowledge to resolve the problem is really to little.
What astonish me is that in the eastern germany airfields collection it is just a little runway and than with a lot of vegation around it.
As the ex Junkers airfield in factory played a major role in the german history and even today the airport exists with a fine museum in the old factory no one had done this scenery for FS2004.
Aren't there some specialists to have a look on it?
If it's runway and taxiway textures that are flickering, try opening the afcad portion and raising it up a few inches at a time.

If it's the same issue that we had in FS2002 and with the CFS2 Glendale scenery in FS9, that won't have any effect.
It might be something to do with Zbias, I encountered a similar problem with ground polys when I tried to build a CFS2 scenery, never did work out how to sort it though. MaskRider might be the guy to ask or maybe try running the bgls through modelconverterX and turning them to FS9 bgls?

just brainfarting.....
I think CFS1 scenery needs to be sitting on Flat terrain.
Try using FS Flatten to make a Flatten BGL:

by Steve Greenwood
Add flatten .bgl files not limited to 4 corners, any mesh
easy to use, requires FSUIPC below ****

It can be found here:

and be sure to get the FSUIPC if you do not have it installed already.
Finally I could install the CFS1 scenery in my FS9. Unfortunately I'm still missing the textures for some specific trees. They definitely aren't included in CFS1 main texture folder. Maybe someone could have a suggestion for this issue.



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Run the scenery .BGL thru BGL analyze, hit the texture list.
Then you may be able to figure out the missing textures

BGL Analyze, break down and extract, correct or change .BGL files
By Winfried Orthmann
Click image to download ****

Hope that helps,
