Detailed Systems on Freeware Aircraft..?


Charter Member 2016
I just discovered* the wonderful Suprunov Design Yak-40 and the beautiful SCS TU-134a and have fallen rather deeply in love with them. The beauty of the model is matched by the detail of the systems modelling and the various logical systems...

So, I am curious to know if there are others in the same league as these that are freeware. I've got a new itch to scratch...

*I was aware of them, but finally got a computer that could run them...
The freeware Constellation / Super Constellation / Starliner series by Manfred Jahn, Volker Böhme & co. Truly amazing and very complete. :applause::applause: Available at

There was also a YS-11, perhaps it was from Allied Flight Sim Group, that was pretty in depth for freeware. I know their Raytheon Beechcraft B300 Super King Air was really good for freeware. And let's not forget Manfred Jahn's Basler BT-67, although I think that was FSX only.
Ready for Pushback Boeing 747 is now freeware .... at Flightsim.

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Jetliners
FS2004 Ready For Pushback Boeing 747-200
[SIZE=-1] [/SIZE]Name:
Size: 66,588,385 Date: 08-24-2007 Downloads: 11,793


FS2004 Ready For Pushback Boeing 747-200 v2; now freeware. Includes the analog panel, tape panel and seventeen aircraft. One of the most accurate and detailed jetliner models ever when it originally came out several years ago. By Ralph Tofflemire, Chris Koegler, Bodo Mueller and Herve Dongmo. (English language manual available for download as RFP_V2M.ZIP)
Thanks for the suggestions. I was unaware that the CBFSim models had systems to go with their beautiful graphics! I'll have to give them a try. Keep the suggestions coming!
Couple more.... Rick Pipers HS748/780 Andover, Thomas Nilsson's Saab Draken,
Isra's modified Mirage III, Samdims Tu114/126; Manfreds Constellation.
Concorde by fsfrance.


Charles E. "Dutch" Owen's (FSCaptain) DC-3C for FS9 and FSX. A fundamental modification based on the default MS DC-3. There's also a version for Manfred Jahn's C-47 (for FSX, works with FS9 without operational inverter).

Realistic systems (circuit breakers, electrical drainage, working inverter) full start procedure (working primers), realistic dynamics (based on S1C3G engines), failure simulation (spark-plug fouling, engine fire, icing, overheat, mixture, flaps and gear overspeed) and emergency procedures (fuel/electrics/hydraulics cut-off, fire extinguisher)! Full flight Manual from Quebecair.

Some unsorted mentions:

Lonny Payne's MD-80 Panel set (ex payware) for SGA MD-8x (2D only). Very detailed. By the book. With authentic MDC 'Bitching Betty' cockpit aural warning system (CAWS).

Nicholas Weber's VERY, VERY, VERY extensive modification of David Maltby's Vickers VC10. 2D only but extremely authentic!

All planes by aforementioned David Maltby. Speaking of the British, have a look at the extensive hangar at CBFsim. Look especially for the Rick Piper panels for the Vickers' turboprops.

Caravelle, Noratlas and A300B by Benoît Gaurant. Extensive system simulation 2D only.

HJG's diversive DC-9 series. All essential systems (electrics, fuel, hydraulics, pressurization, APU, ERT/RAT performance computer). Based on Stellan Hilmerby's SAS DC-9-20/-40.