DevMode AircraftSelect Window


SOH Staff
Staff member
Is there anything we can do to adjust the Developer Mode Aircraft Selector Window ?....

It covers the complete monitor area so you have to shove it to a side to see the aircraft you have selected. Unneccesary and annoying. No typical adjust arrows turn up anywhere, atleast not that i can see.. Doesn't matter if in Full Screen or Windowed mode.

It's not like there's something hidden in the Options menus about it, is there ?... In Options/General/Developers it's only Dev Mode On/Off that i could find...

Any hints/tips welcome !
I thought you could drag the edges and corners like any other Windows window. Next time I fire it up, I'll see what I can find.
Correct. Just either use the small arrow on the left of the top bar of the window to roll up the window or adjust its shape and size using the tab in the bottom right corner. One thing I find ugly, working dev mode, is the need to constantly click from work windows to the main screen to re-activate your stick or keyboard to control the aircraft. One would think that a developer would create a better, more user friendly system. One can always use a second monitor of course, for the developer windows. Single monitors soon get carpeted with information. A real advance would be for the changes made in the editors to be translated to the model "on-the-fly". Now that would speed things up nicely.:engel016:
Ok thanks, guys, found it ! :biggrin-new:

Like i said no arrows turning up anywhere but i was fooling around with the Project Editor window which is rather small and then suddenly saw something dark blue shimmering in the right bottom corner... Halleluja! A triangle shaped thingy with which i could resize the window, tried with the large Aircraft Select window and Low and Behold! there it was too. Big relief because i was really getting fed up with that huge black window all over the place.

All great now, thanks again gents ! :ernaehrung004: