DH 60 Moth in P3D


Does anyone have the Jim Douglass GAS DH 60 Moth working properly in P3D? For me it looks lovely, but refuses to move on the ground even with full throttle.
I had the same problem with the IRIS BD-5. It would fly great if I slewed up to about 2000', but once I landed it would come to halt quickly and there it stayed, even at full RPM. I was able to adjust the brake scalar in the cfg file and that fixed it. Just on a whim, you might check this also. If you are running FSTramp, that seems to conflict with some models, rendering them motionless (Milton's Bounty for instance). I can't test that right now, but something else to consider if you have it.
Well, it doesn't have brakes, but that might be a possible. Should I try reducing or increasing it, do you think?
Well, it doesn't have brakes, but that might be a possible. Should I try reducing or increasing it, do you think?
I decreased it. I think it was originally =1.0 and I made it =0.50. Worth a try anyway. David at IRIS did say that with some aircraft, that problem is related to the more recent versions of P3D. Whether that's actually a fact or not is up for debate, but that was his reason for it happening.
No - I can't see a brake scalar line. This is the brakes section:

parking_brake = 0 //Parking brake not available
toe_brakes_scale =0.0
differential_braking_scale = 1.0

I've tried altering max_rpm_friction_scalar=1.0 to =0.5, but it doesn't help.
This my work around.
In the aircraft cfg file [Piston Engine] change the power scaler to 1.8 that works for me.
Thanks Mike. That did the trick. I wonder if 1.8 might be a bit high, as it goes like the clappers now, but it's easy enough to tinker now I know what to do.

Thanks to Falcon and DaveB too. I've got a favourite back!


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I've been having another look at this old bird and I agree the power scalar of 1.8 is excessive.
I reduced it back to its original value of 1.0 and found it satisfactory on tarmac runways; however on grass runways (I'm an ORBX user) it wouldn't move. After experimentation I've put the power scalar to 1.28 and increased the parasite drag scalar to 1.4 which keeps the top speed down.
Give these a try and see what you think.
Thanks, I'll give that a try. I'd already dropped the power scalar to 1.3, so we are close on that one.
I've tried 1.4 for the parasite drag scalar, but it won't move for me on Orbx grass. 1.2 seems ok, though, so I'm settling for 1.3 for the power and 1.2 for the parasite drag.