Did I see them?



On the way to work today, near the road, in a field, I saw a patch of red flowers on stems about a 6 inches high or so. they were very red, and not being much on botany, I wondered, 'were they the red poppies?' Then of course, I thought of Flanders and OFF.
Dont remind me of this stuff man. I dont have P2 (disk format :isadizzy:) and waiting for P3 is killing me. Yeah I remember the red poppies..
On the way to work today, near the road, in a field, I saw a patch of red flowers on stems about a 6 inches high or so. they were very red, and not being much on botany, I wondered, 'were they the red poppies?' Then of course, I thought of Flanders and OFF.

Where do you live Cpirrman?
in the UK the poppies are summer.. I think they are over now. for some weeks. also poppies tend to have long stems.. getting above the hay/wheat.. harvested by now..

Dont get all maudlin.. get angry.. Have you read .. Wings of Victory?
There are a lot of poppies around Derbyshire at the moment, they often have a second go in September. They will grow to any size, if conditions are poor they will stunt, maybe 6 or 7 inches with tiny flowers, scale model poppies.

If conditions allow they will come up virtually any time of year, in the midlands anyway.

So they could have been poppies.
Poppy seeds can lay dormant for very many years. It seems they will germinate once they are bought to the surface, such as on building sites etc.

Probably why they were so abundant in the fields of flanders, where the ground was a little more than just disturbed.
Thanks everyone, but thet turned out to be naked ladies. I guess I had too much WWI on my mind.
Naked ladies? And you thought of poppies?? Jesus man you need P3 :costumes:
You'd know if they were poppies by the lark chorus underway overhead (though they can be difficult to hear) :wavey: