Did we ever release these?


Charter Member 2016
I have a number of Hawk-75 variants in my installs, notably MAW Vichy and Free French ones, as well as some which I think were tagged for ETO/W40. I can't see the MAW versions in the downloads section, and thought they needed uploading. No idea about the ETO ones - they may have been released already. I think it's Dancat's original model and Steve's cockpit, but I honestly can't remember! The cockpit textures are John's, in any case.

If any of the owners of the various parts can let me know what the score is, I'll sort them out for upload.


  • Hawk 75 b.jpg
    Hawk 75 b.jpg
    63 KB · Views: 0
  • Hawk 75 a.jpg
    Hawk 75 a.jpg
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You released a batch of three or four BoF ones a while back. I've not seen those before or a new cockpit skin. If someone still has the cockpit source there are a few gauges that don't work right too. Hope to see some new H75 stuff, it's one of my favorites!