Dino's T-45C version 2.52
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
T-45C Goshawk project release 2.52
Getting rid of the dependency on the F/A-18 code was a little bit trickier than I thought... it turns out that it was driving also some of the advisory lights trigger I was using... so here we go with a further, and hopefully last for a while, update to the T-45C.
- Fixed AoA indexer logic (now compliant to the real deal)
- Fixed bug preventing FLAPS advisory light to show
Download links have been amended, and file is being sent to avsim and flightsim as I write.
If you have downloaded version 2.50 you should download again the file - sorry for the inconvenience!
- Fixed bug preventing AoA indexer to work properly (note: AoA indexer is currently reporting the Angle of Incidence rather than the real AoA... therefore its optimal values are different from the AoA dials, but are now consistent with the HUD indications).
- Added Hook Bypass functionality (clicking the Bypass switch turns on the AoA indexer even if the tailhook is not deployed)
- Fixed minor bug in panel.cfg showing debug data rather than GPS
I took the chance of the release of Lockheed Martin Prepar3d v2 to create and release a (much needed) update to the T-45C Goshawk project. The major feature of this update is that there is a fresh new MFD system, written for scratch to both get rid of the dependence from fa-18.dll library AND have MFDs which are MUCH closer to the real deal (actually some pages are 100% compliant to the NATOPS).
A couple of important notes:
- I have slightly modified the HSI page so that some soft keys are assigned to basic AUTOPILOT functions (rather than Waypoint management)
- Some pages are non-functional - sorry you have to live with that. Some will show "INOP", while some others like the DATA page will show authentic, but inoperative, layout (this is just to show what would be the pilot interface in reality).
- You can make MK76 training bombs appear by clicking the STRS -> A/G -> BOMB buttons. These bombs are cosmetic only and are non-droppable
- The files are signed for Tacpack multiplayer... but there are no weapons whatsoever. The only working Tacpack functions is support for Tacpack Carrier Navaids: you have to enter the Tacpack "VOR equivalent" frequency into NAV1: if Tacan is detected, NAV2 will be automatically scanned for Tacpack Carrier ILS frequency. Tacpack navaids will show ONLY in the HUD (will not show in the MFDs HSI or anywhere else)
- To install the aicraft in P3D you should follow the same procedure as for FSX (with the obvious changes... unzip in the Prepar3d main folder rather than the FSX main folder... I hope this goes without saying, but you never know!)
Detail of the changes are as follows:
- Full compatibility with Prepar3d v1.X and v2.0!
- Completely redone MFD system, now features an (almost) complete and (partially) true to NATOPS bespoke MFD system.
Acceleration F/A-18 files are not require anymore.
- Changed pilot figures with professionally made models
- Minor tweaks to glass representation, both in exterior models and interior models
- Aircraft has now 3 Master Modes (NAV, A-A, A-G) selectable from the STRS page
- User can make (non functional) MK76 training bombs to appear by selecting BOMB in the STRS page
- Added proper A/G DEPression controls, will show in the HUD A/G mode
- Autopilot now routed through the HSI page
- Minor tweaks to the VC geometry
- Support for TacPack Carrier NAVAIDS (only through HUD - Tune NAV1 to Carrier TACAN, ILS will be tuned automatically on NAV2)
- Files are now signed for TacPack multiplayer (although the plane is completely disarmed)
- Minor tweaks to AoA inidcations (still not 100% correct, but should be better)
- Removed voice alerts
- Fixed minor bug in instructor MFDs
Well... I believe that is all. The file, for the moment, will be hosted only on this blog to limit its diffusion in case of major bugs. It will be uploaded to the usual repositories as soon as it is verified it works as intended.
You can download the file by clicking HERE , or by clicking on the side bar.
Have fun!
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