Direct X


Charter Member
I had to reinstall FS9 and now when I go to open it, it says that I need directX 9.0, I have 9.0c installed and I tried reinstalling it from flightsim though still no good. So how can I correct this problem?Bobr2

For be certain you have DirectX installed correctly you must check if you have this file:
dxdiag.exe located in Win32 folder of WinXP
(if other OS made a search for the file)
If you found it .. please click twice on (run it) and check for eventual errors and run the graphics tests (Direct Draw .. Direct3D ..)
Be also sure to NEVER install over a older DirectX version of your actual !
BTW you can have the latest DirectX 9.0c from here (I use it)
guess what, I'am confused

Claudius, I always just downloaded the latest DirectX 9c from the Microsoft site,I never uninstalled the previous direct x 9c .I don't understand the statement ,"never install over and older Direct X version of your actual"?

If you have DirectX 9.0c from EG February 2010 already installed .. don't install over (reinstall) a DirectX 9.0c from September 2009 but instead install the same version or a more recent version
Allways upgrade .. never downgrade.