Directional aids for a new scenery


Retired SOH Admin
I am working on my first, from scratch scenery. A fishing village and shipping depot on Wosnesenski Island, Alaska. The island is totally bare in GW3 (have not checked it out in Silver Wings or default FS9 yet). Anyhow...what directional aids should I add to the scenery? I have never dealt with this stuff before....I have added ATC stuff to a few out of the way airports just to help me find them but have not even used the navigational radio stuff (have no idea how to use it). I am working in AFCAD at the moment, getting all the trappings done there before moving on to Runway12 or FSSC to give the place buildings and such.

You can get as elaborate as you would like, but for a fishing village/portage scene I would just drop an NDB in the scenery. Preferrably in-line or near in-line with your primary prevailing wind runway if you have the real estate. Otherwise, a placement near the airstrip is better than nothing.

Then it's just a case of having an adf radio to dial in the freq and an adf dial (gauge) on the panel so you can follow the needle in to the airport/rwy.

Have fun!
I agree, an NDB near the runway would be most realistic. You could go full-bore with ILS/DME on both ends of the runway and a long range VOR/DME on the field, but that might be a little overboard for a fishing village!:isadizzy:
Fishing village is not quite what I am shooting for, but not sure what else to call it. What I am working on will be a fishing port where the Bering Straight fish/crab fleets work out of and bring their haul to for processing. The ultimate goal is to have docks for the boats to tie up to, warehouses and processing buildings for cleaning and freezing the fish and crabs. Docks for float and amphib planes to tie up to when bringing in supplies or loading up a shipment of fish/crabs to deliver to other places.....but all done in a way that ties it in more with modern looking stuff if I can get it that way. There will be a village of sorts on the island...just a bunch of small cabins, a church....a lot is dependent on how much this scenery begins hammering frame rates.

Still using AFCAD? You really should give ADE9x a try. It's also freeware, and has scads of improvements over AFCAD. It's what AFCAD might be today if Lee Swordy hadn't abandoned it years ago. :ernae:

I'd also vote for an NDB beacon. And many of these small airports have PAPI or VASI lights.
OK, we have a dilemma..
GW3.. with an ILS? a VOR?? a time warp??
none were invented then so it would be time-shifting :icon_lol:

but since the beginning of aviation there has been one true way to find an airport...
not a railway
not a road

even in FS9 if you find a powerline and follow it you'll get to an airport (just like r/l)
Even on that seal-perch that birds avoid as too wind-swept you could run a powerline from the mainland to the west shore or from a small powerstation --a wide enough cut in the [LINESTRIKE]trees [/LINESTRIKE] muskeg to make a dirt/grasss 'taxiway' from some landmark, over hill and dale to pass by the runway thresholds (at a safe distance). If it's only going to be a waterdrome then just make it cross the island.

..and throw an NDB ON the airport and maybe a 22-miler on final approach (or offset for the challenge) on the rockpile to the east since the Coast Guard would likely have regular checks done on the fleet.

hey sidney, about ADE, will it read any compiled library?
this could be the beginning of my vintage Sand Point NAS project....

pm me if you like, I dont want to hog the thread. :icon34:

but if the info will help OBIO, so much the bettah! :engel016:

I think it will read any afcad bgl. Also reads xml. I've used it to decompile and edit afcads that were done using AFX and AFCAD. And of course it will open default afcads. One of the "extras" it does is to place scenery objects, so it's very much like AFCAD and RWY12 rolled into one. :wavey: