Disabling a feature on FS9 Gmax Compiler


Hey guys,

Tell me.. Is it possible to disable the 'Optomizer' on the FS9 MakeMDL compiler?

I believe in disabling this, it would enable a model to compile 'under' 4MM. Now sure... Just trying out ideas here. Hoping......

<--- says a prayer


PS: Yes, I know the Optimiser can be switched off in the Model Commander options bank. But it still functions....
Hey Randy,

I have huge models. Making the VC really large, then rescaling usually messes things up big time.

Is there a work flow around that? A special shortcut or something that you do to make it go faster when scaling up and back down again?

Maybe I am missing something. I would be greatful to know any secrets on that procedure.

you just compile like normal (with a 1600% size VC), then you edit your .ASM file and drag that onto the BGL9 compiler and it automatically resizes it for you. You then just rename the new BGL file it produced to an .mdl file and place it in your FS Aircraft Model folder....You do need to use AFCAD though to resize the plane for the view window.

I'll send you an ASM with the originaland the part you need to edit.

Just curious,gents.What exactly is the reason to work with a heavily scaled up model ?....

Bill : i got a problem with one model not wanting to export anymore without the dreaded 'forced error : value not equal to 0 : 65536' . Only work around was to disable 'Optimize' . The model would then export fine ( and quite fast too, obviously ) Does look like Optimize indeed does not function anymore if you uncheck it in Mdl Commander because very small objects like antenna wires wouldn't show up in FS anymore. Making them a tad bigger made them turn up in FS again with Optimize still unchecked.

These facts do make me think that 'Optimize' can indeed be disabled by unchecking the option in Mdl Commander.

Hi Javis,

I've found that you really dont need the Optimize option at all...You should optimize your parts in Gmax before you export. As for the huge scaling on the VC, it avoids the 4mm vertex weld that the compiler does,(unforced or requested),on VC models. When you turn off the Weld Vertices option, it only truns it off for the Exterior model from MakeMDL.

Hey Jan,

Randy is on it. Its an over-ride that one cannot seem to turn off.. I just have this hope though that someone can go into the compiler code and figure out what to 'change' in it to make it stop auto-welding things, even with it unchecked. Sure would make things easier...


Can one take a 'exterior' mesh code and paste it into the 'interior' section of a model to have all the parts 'unwelded' by Autoweld?

For instance, compile a model with exterior that doesnt have the pilot. Copy/paste the exterior model into a 'standard' compiled same model, which has the pilot in the 'exterior', and paste the pilot-less 'exterior' model code into the 'interior' section of the 'standard' model mesh code...?

If it could be done, a simple 'copy/paste' of the code section, it would be a lot easier then scaling all the bits, especially with all their hierarchies...

Wouldnt it be cool to have a simple program, like DXTBmp, that you start up, and it says, which MDL meshes do you wish to intermix, and you choose one that has the exterior you like, and you choose another with the exterior that you wish to use as the 'interior', you then click OK, it says, 'are yah sure?', you say 'absolutely...!' and bing.... Done.. One intermixed mesh with 'no' (none) auto-welded vertices throughout.......

Oh to dream......


Why cant one take the X file for the exterior, and make that an 'interior' X file????


How exactly does one 'compile' 2 X-files? Do you just drag and drop them onto the MakeMDL compiler?


Says Error, Error, Invalid X File...

Oh man would I love to see this work, lololol... How I have dreamed of this working, having high detail parts in a VC in FS9...

I tried it again with ASM files. No luck. On Monday, I am going to see if there is a GUID or something that one matches up for two X files or 2 ASM files to match up. Perhaps there is a way to match an exterior ASM or X file as an Interior.


I'm not sure about that Bill. I think I remember Wozza saying something in a thread about editing two .x files together...at the time though I was just starting and couldnt even get MakeMDL to save an .x file for me..lol
On a side-note.....if you build your exterior to have the same animations as the interior requires,all you need to do too save the hierarchy and your pivot points after you scale it up is go through each part and reset scale..(dont reset Transform though). I can get it to go through without errors if I do that.

Thanks Randy,

Good to know.

In the past, I had issues with parts that were animated that were linked to parent parts, and scaling issues would ruin it all. Maybe though I was doing something different. If its working for you, its possible.

This has me going, lol...

