I have been flying this Indigo Argus Mk.2 since it was released in 2007. It flys nicely in both Fs9 and FSX. The real Argus has Wright R3350 Turbocompund engines which deliver 3,700 hP each, total of 14,800 hp. It is about 50% larger dimensionally than the Douglas DC-6B, and had 50% more power (14,800 HP vs 10,000 hp)
I fly it in both FS9 and FSX-SE at 106,000 lb GTOW (Max GTOW is 157,000 lb). On take off it, I don't notice an unusual torgue factor, it is a large and powerful beast.
As you roll out, you don't get rudder authority until after 35 kts, so a slow acceleration using nose wheel steering and braking is necessary to keep straight. Above 40 Kts and at full power, I don't see that the Argus pulls right excessively. The rudder can keep it straight until rotation at 95 kts and take off at 115 kts. It then climbs out nicely without excessive wandering.
I have Saitek yoke, rudder pedals and 4-engine quadrant to control the model. I'm using the Aircraft.cfg and Airfile as suppplied, with no mods.
I also compared the Argus with Just Flight's DC-6B (both at 106,000 lb GTOW). Both wanted to pull right at max power, but the rudder kept them straight. The Argus was light and fiestly, and the DC-6B was about Max GTOW. I would expect that the light Argus would be more difficult to control and show more torgue effect. As it turned out, I really didn't notice much difference between the aircraft, and both can fly nice and straight using the rudder.