Using the Kinetic Assistant + you can chose from 4 different towplane options withing "recorded flight track":
DA40-NG Asobo LEFT 3200 ft
DA40-NG Asobo RIGHT 3200 ft
DR400 Asobo front 1500 ft
Extra 330 Asobo LEFT 4000 ft
I noticed that with the Discus it is best to get the settings in KA panel and launch the tow process with the tow-button on the VC panel. Launching from the KA panel resulted in some oddities for me. At first I also found it hard to follow the towplane around without breaking the tow, but after some pratice it works pretty good.
The DG-808 is definetely my second favourite glider for now, but compared to the discus I find the controls a bit nervous. Using the KA thermalls and more windy weather it had a tendency to bounce up an down uncontrolably at times. Will look into that deeper, cause might be an issue between weather settings and KA functions.
The main gain KA offers for me are the thermall effects which are really usefull. Yesterday I managed a neat beautifull scenic flight after a winchstart from Rüdesheim ( using some thermals over the rhine to get to Koblenz. There I found a bigger thermal active area to get myself to an adequate altitude for further soaring along the Mosel river to Traben-Trarbach ( Had to use some small thermals over the Mosel to stay high enough on the way.
Ingame thermal simulation would off course be a perfect solution, but for now the addon functionallity KA offers is a big step forward for me. Also hoping there a more gliders like the Discus and the DG-808 to follow, cause the scenery quallity MSFS offers is simly perfect for a great soaring experience.