Disdplay coordinates


Flight Sim Junkie

I'd like to set up some carriers with arrester cables and catapults but need to display the coordinates to more decimal places. Is there a way to get coordinates out to more than 2 decimal points as shown when you hit shift-z?

Take a look at the position display gauge that is part of the rcbco-20 carrier ops set. It is good to 6 places so you can use it to define arrestor gear zones and catapult zones.

Cheers, Paul
If you have FSUIPC, start Flight Sim, then start AFCAD2. Under the View Menu, click the Lock to FS option. Zoom in tight and put your mouse right on the center of the crosshair. Your coordinates are at the bottom of the screen down to four decimal places of minutes.
Thaks guys,

I also found a little utility at AVSIM called FS9Data.exe and it works great, too. :jump:

LouP :applause: