Display Softness please help


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Hi Guys ,
Im new the the SOH forums so please be gentle ... I have the following issue .... This is related to FS9 so here goes lately I have noticed that my cockpit view { 2D} in my most used plane { IFDG A320 with the VASFMC panel } has started looking what I call soft { out of focus } the digital readouts dont have a sharp look to them ..Im flying in window mode as I run two 24"HD 1920x1080 displays this is so I can have lots of windows open .what I have noticed is in normal window mode the softness is there the moment I open up another panel and "undock" the display the sharpness returns to the undocked window .Im unsure if this is just related to the fact that FS9 was never made to fit such a high screen setting ? Im keen to know from others what this might be .

my display details are ... ATI HD6870 GFX Card ,Driver version 12.104

Hello and welcome!

There's a way (though I don't remember it) to make instruments look sharper, but your situation sounds more complicated than that. I always flew in full screen mode and never allowed another window to open (or at least, not remain open), so I'm guessing here, but I strongly suspect that your issue has to do with flying in windowed mode, and especially with having more than one window open at the same time. That might be asking either the sim or your video card for more than it can give.

I'm sure you'll hear from folks with more technical expertise than I have. Meanwhile, I just wanted to say hello and welcome you to SOH.
Hello Very Short, welcome to the Sim Outhouse...:wavey:

What Mick says makes a lot of sense. I would think that since the panel bitmap, and the scenery are in focus but the glass instrument display isn't, that your issue would be sim related. I would try running on just one screen to see if the issue clears up. I have run FS9 on as many as 3 screens and had similar issues. I reverted back to one very large 27" flat screen and the issue went away. I'm not saying that this is the cure for what you are seeing.

How long have you been running on multiple screens at those settings? Just curious...

I'm guessing your running something later than XP. If so, try disabling Aero and see if that helps.
Welcome home! I have a Nvidia card that came with a tool box of sorts. When I opted for higher visuals over performance everything got a bit sharper. Does your card have any sort of adjustment like that? Is the issue with one panel? Maybe reinstalling the video drivers might fix things too.
Thank you

Hi Guys , Thanks heaps for the replies , I might have to clarify a little better my system set up as follows ...

AMD Phenom II X6 1090T CPU water cooled
Asrock 970 extreme4 MB
8 Gigs 1600 DDR3 ram
ATI Radeon HD 6870 1 gig on board RAM
2x 24" AOC LED 1920x1080 Monitors
550wat silverstone PSU
Win 7 64bit Home

so the problem seems to be in 2D panel view the digital readouts dont have a sharp look to them even in full screen view they still look soft .I only fly fs9 on one monitor in window mode due to running my VASFMC FMC in window mode on the 2nd monitor .so I can undock the vasfmc window and everything looks sharp when the window isnt undocked it looks soft I haven had this problem before the only thing I can put it down to is the high screen res Im running Im more than confident that my specs are more than capable to run the sim as hard as possible .Im thinking is it graphics driver related ? Again thanks to everyone for their help .

Andrew W
a little more investigation

Hi Again guys , well I have had a good mess around with FS9 tonight and I have found it is all panels that are looking soft ,the moment I undock the main panel/radio stack etc the readouts become "sharp" again so it seems as though it has something to do with FS effectively overlaying the outside view with the main panel as the outside view { with no panel } looks fine its when there is a panel its soft .so Im now not much closer to a fix but feel I have been able to narrow down the causes is there a setting within the sim that controls how the panel bitmap is displayed over the outside scenery ?

Andrew W
How are you making out? I don't fly at night much but I just noticed a similar issue with the C170. At night in 2D cockpit mode certain details are a bit fuzzed out, especially the text that gives air speed, altitude, etc from shift-Z. As I flip through views with "S" key, the text sharpens and blurs. I can only guess that the computer is trying to reconcile certain pixel demands that vary from one texture to another. Does that even make sense?