dissapearing files on CD's


I've had this happen a few times in the past but seems to be getting worse. When I put files on a disk for backup ,sometimes the other files will dissapear.
I have a 2 TB external hard drive that I've backed up the whole FS9 program on and keep updateding it when I make any changes ,but I still like to backup new files on to CD's. I've been using the Windows program and just use send too to transfer the files to CD but lately I can only get maybe 3 or 4 files on a disk without risking loseing anything.It's a waste of CD's to only have a few files on a CD.
The CD's will not accept any files after this happens and I have to use a new CD.
I'am going to try useng Nero Start Smart to copy files and see if it works better.
Anyone know what makes the other files vanish?
It seems to only happen when I copy files ,the files left are still there.The CD's arent full and I have one that only has one file on it.
Any ideas?
Writing CD's/DVD's can be done one of two ways, firstly, you can add a few files and leave the disc open to add more files latter on, or you can write as many as you can and close the disc so no more can be added. Whilst the first way sounds great, it has it's vices, what you mention is one of them, others include disc life, reliability of writing and maybe other things. Writing your discs all-at-once is far more reliable and less likely to cause trouble.

What I do is have a folder named DVD1/DVD2/ so on and so forth, I fill them with files until they near the capacity of my chosen disc then write them all at once, closing the discs at the end.

As far as I remember Windows doesn't let you chose to leave open or close after writing, I would recommend you dry Nero or a similar program. That's how it used to be,tothe point I never used Windows default disc writing since, lost far to many discs/data that way.

If you are running Win XP, the writer I would suggest is CDBurnerXP. I never had problems using this program...could leave discs open and write to them time and time again, without losing any files.

Now that I am running Win 7 Ultimate, I am looking for a dedicated CD/DVD burner as I don't like using the default built-in burner.


Oh...a link to CDBurnerXP:


And I just saw that this program works under Win 7 32 and 64 bit operating systems. Yea!
Thanks guys

Thanks guys ,I knew I could count on someone to know whats going on. Although I've copied hunderds of file useing the windows cd writer ,the computer is 9 years old and maybe with all the updates Windows throws at us it,s burner doesn't work as well as it used too. Anyway I'am useing Nero Start Smart and just tried it and although it takes a little longer I am hopeing it will be more reliable.
Good idea to store the folders you want to backup somewhere and then burn them all at once.I'll put the link OBIO gave me in my favorites and will try that if Nero doesn't work out.

Burning CD and DVD can be (seem's) rather simple but it can be a tedious process.
Maybe you have some corrupted driver (or DLL) and the cession is not well terminated (bad TOC .. etc..)
Sometime corrupted drivers or DLL's involved in the burnning process can give strange results
Once I had CD (or DVD) well burn to the end but not the end message as the CD was OK (under Nero 7)
Anyways I was able to read the CD (I seeing all the folders and files in Win Explorer) but not able to open any folder or decompress rar or zip archives.
Thinkink myDVD drive burnner was no good and for be sure I burned a other CD but running a other HD with also Nero7 and WinXP
The burn was perfect and CD OK
So I concluded It was something corrupted on my other HD
Never I was able to find (reinstall of Nero or XP repair) or repair the corrupted data.
A format and reinstall of XP cured the prob :)
I used to use Nero...but I had too many problems with it. Buggy burns, slow burns, crashes in the middle of burning. I dumped it and went with CDBurnerXP...never had a problem with it...not even when burning 4.3gig to DVD in one burn, or burning to a DVD in multiple smaller burns.

I used to use Nero...but I had too many problems with it. Buggy burns, slow burns, crashes in the middle of burning. I dumped it and went with CDBurnerXP...never had a problem with it...not even when burning 4.3gig to DVD in one burn, or burning to a DVD in multiple smaller burns.

Ditto OBIO's experience. Dump Nero and get CDBurnerXP; it is a free D/L at Filehippo and other sites.:salute:

- h52
you talked me into it

I just downloaded CD Burner XP ,after the same thing happened with Nero cause I didn't save.Had to redownload the files and save them and it seemed to work but after what you guys said I decided to go with CD Burner. Thanks for the headsup guys