Divine Wind Missions


Charter Member
Slip Stream has asked me to help build some Divine Wind missions for PTO..Here are some screenshots for all to enjoy..The Carriers and aircraft Have been changed by Slip Stream to allow the Zero's to dive into them along with changes to the Zero's for better effects upon Hitting ..Thanks to Slip Stream for the idea..And for the adjusted files..I shall add some eye candy and with Slip Streams help finish these today..

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Owen did you fly into that carrier or was that an ai plane? Last I recall no one could figure out how to make ai do that.
Yes it sank, Really cool too..The aircraft has been adjusted to hit the carrier, and the carrier has been adjusted also.. The arcraft will be set to hit the carrier..Slip Stream did the aircraft files, and I built the missions..I am still working out the set up, In a day it should be ready..

I would like to know how he got ai to hit the carrier? Also I assume this will be a driveable carrier with gun stations so you have the possibility of shooting the aircrafty down before it strikes the ship.
in this mission you fly the plane into the carrier.there will be flack trying to stop you. the ai mission isn't finished yet.thats next i 'll use the same peocess i used in the buckingham mission thats still a wip.
AI Crashing Into Your PTO Base

I did this scenario about a year ago where the V1 is programmed to crash into your base. It's very small, dark and fast.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Combat Flight Sim mission-->
<Params Version="3.0" Directive="intercept" Country="USA" Aircraft="p38ja" Airbase="Sol1" Date="8/15/1943" Time="12:00" Multiplayer="y" MultiplayerOnly="n"/>
<Title>Guadalcanal Nightfighter Intercept</Title>
<SubTitle>Semi Historical: On the night of August 15, 1943 Lt. Henry Meigs, Jr flying a P-38 was scrambled from Henderson Field to intercept an incoming V1. The V1 was caught in the base searchlights and was quickly flamed.</SubTitle>
<AirFormation ID="6000" Directive="intercept" Country="USA" Skill="1" FormType="fingertip">
<Unit ID="9062" Type="p38ja" PilotFirstName="Lt Henry" PilotLastName="Meigs Jr" IsPlayer="y" Skill="1"/>
<Route ID="5000">
<Waypoint Type="takeoff" Speed="0" IsWarpable="n" Lat="S9*24'59.9998"" Lon="E160*1'45.8100"" Alt="0.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="intercept" Speed="91.5711111111111" IsWarpable="n" Lat="S9*19'54.1201"" Lon="E160*0'5.0876"" Alt="1523.99"/>
<Waypoint Type="intercept" Speed="91.5711111111111" IsWarpable="n" Lat="S9*20'58.7372"" Lon="E159*59'5.5544"" Alt="1523.99"/>
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="91.5711111111111" IsWarpable="y" Lat="S9*27'48.2053"" Lon="E160*4'2.2665"" Alt="1523.99"/>
<Waypoint Type="landing" Speed="91.5711111111111" IsWarpable="n" Lat="S9*24'59.9998"" Lon="E160*1'45.8100"" Alt="1523.99"/>
<AirFormation ID="6001" Directive="strike" Country="Japan_IJN" Skill="2" Payload="1" FormType="fingertip">
<Unit ID="9063" Type="v1" Skill="2" Payload="0"/>
<Route ID="5002">
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="186.469993591309" IsWarpable="n" Lat="S9*13'38.9095"" Lon="E159*51'20.3234"" Alt="1523.99"/>
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="186.469993591309" IsWarpable="y" Lat="S9*20'59.3102"" Lon="E159*59'0.7433"" Alt="1523.99"/>
<Waypoint Type="bombing" Speed="186.469993591309" IsWarpable="y" TargetID="9011" Lat="S9*24'59.9998"" Lon="E160*1'45.8100"" Alt="0.00"/>
<Waypoint Type="turn" Speed="186.469993591309" IsWarpable="n" Lat="S9*29'46.8468"" Lon="E159*51'51.2888"" Alt="1523.99"/>
<Facility ID="9061" Type="searchlights_airbase_single1" Lat="S9*25'0.0036"" Lon="E160*1'45.8100"" heading="0" Country="USA"/>

hi major if you have something that works package it and put it up.i'm happy to see you went on with it. go ahead and upload it i'll give it a try.
I haven't had the chance to finish the missions, My machine crashed and I am still reload the new one..I just picked up a new video card..I have no idea about this thing "ASUS 512 DDR2 EN8400GS Silent" whatever this is..
I think it has teeth!!!! It looks realy evil..LOL..I will finish the missions In a day or two..If this video card doesn't EAT Me first..Yep, Here it comes and it looks hungry...
Yes, it works quite well. I set the V1 up with two different payloads. One conventional, and the other "Little Boy". In the nuke version if you don't get him on the outbound pass, you might as well keep going because turning to take a second shot at it brings you well inside the blast zone, if you can't close it up in the tail chase.

p.s. The Dawn Patrol Rendezvous is September 25-27. I have work on Friday and other commitments on Saturday, so it looks like I'll miss out on it this year.
I plan to make it, SAT..I'll try to get some good shots for everyone..It is so cool to watch the WW1 planes fly..It does take nerve to fly around in somethig that a Baby could punch through..But if I could I would..:applause:

Oh, Major which of the gentlemen in the Photo is you? I Lke The Mauser Rifle G98 model? I Have custom built several of them,,They make GREAT actions to build up..
to funny

i'd swear more replica dr1's were built after the war,than new ones dureing the war.this is a few decads ago. man have we really gotten off subject.
*sniff sniff* i smell.... castor oil, blackpowder, and a hint of Over Flanders Fields :p
the real thing

And now you see the black powder lol. my(gone now) 20mm early american anti aircraft mouth stuffer. And now for something completly different,the mission thread. my stalled plans are,to put up a pack that you will experience all aspects of the kamakazi attack, from both sides.but it revolves around a mission foundation thats still on hh's rig. "IF" i can get the ai to do the same action as the v1 in EXP. then 3 other planed missions are possible.there are modified stand alones comeing.even if that aspect doesn't work,there will be 2 missions.
tried repalcing the V1 in the posted mission with the ohka by stunpjumper1 to be found in the Betas download section.
I used the V1 sound files. It works great and is more accurate .