DL_Spitfire_Vb_45 Series


Charter Member
Just a quick query. I ran the CaGen 1-2.xls weapon and loadout check for ETO 1.50. Amazingly few problems given the 100s of aircraft.

However for the lovely DL Vb Spitfires it called for a missing pylon, a seafire 170gal. I think the xdps should call for a spitfire 170gal pylon (which I have) rather than a seafire pylon (which I don't have)?

I find this series very sweet to fly. Hadn't encountered a problem, it just popped up because I ran the loadout check (which is an extremely useful tool btw).
What exactly is this? "CaGen 1-2.xls (weapon and loadout) check" I couldn't see any app on Google search.
Ca-Gen 1-2.xls


This is an .xls spreadsheet with a whole host of clever little macros. You have to override the protestations of your computer's security system to allow the macros to work and do their amazing things.

Hint: to save you time, make sure you remember to use a "/" at the end of the path to the install you wish to check. The macros are working on sub-folders of the install path, hence the need for the "/".
