Do 24 for fs9?


Charter Member
Is there a proper military Do 24 out there for fs9?
I can only find fs2002 and cfs2 models.
Only DXT.1 format, and problems with the prop and glass textures. (Can’t edit the .mdl file)!
Is anybody interested in doing a Do 24, or modernising an existing model to fs9, for one of the most successful seaplanes ever?
This is one of me favourite aircraft since I was a kid, as I had seen it in Friedrichshafen.
I can’t believe there’s nothing out there…!
This is the only one I know of. Older model with no VC. Agreed a updated Do 24 would be fantastic.

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Early Aircraft FS2004 Dornier 24K
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 1,717,613 Date: 10-26-2004 Downloads: 2,214
[SIZE=-1] FS2004 Dornier Do 24K. A recon flying boat built for the Dutch MLD by Dornier. First prototype was built in 1937. By Wim Regeer.
I've had this civilian 2004 version for years! It fly's nicely!
I repainted it, as I didn't like the original textures! (Sorry Heather..)
Model by Wim Regeer.
Still.., it seems to be a conversion from an earlier fs2002 model, as hardly any texture alterations are possible. (glass, prop, alpha). All DXT1.

View attachment 27985Anyway,... a proper fs9 (military) version is missing!

there wheren't many repaints for this bird as far as i know.
Updating it for Fs9 would be quite a job as i don't have a lot of data/info about the cockpit to make a reasonable VC. Further there are still some projects to be finished and at this moment time is sparse. But who knows?

.. :mixedsmi: ..




I guess the biggest challenge would be to model all the complex curves, windows, turrets, struts etc. within the poly limits of Fs9..
Ahhhh, thanks for those shots, Ferry.
The Do24 is my all time fav.
I thought we made a good job on it back in the early CFS2 days but looking back at it and revisiting those real plane shots I'm not quite sure anymore. :)
Really need to come around to make a new one......for FS25 probably.:bump:
Nice shots Ferry,

very usefull, got the itch again.

i do recall some repaints by UncleTgt back in 2009. Maybe they are in the repaints library. Although he referred to the ground crew's Do24, but they were actually for mine Do24k.

Nice shots Ferry,

very usefull, got the itch again.

i do recall some repaints by UncleTgt back in 2009. Maybe they are in the repaints library. Although he referred to the ground crew's Do24, but they were actually for mine Do24k.


Hi Wim,

Nice to being able to talk to you.
This is a great model, but unfortunately it seems to have been neglected. It took ages to find it on the net!
I believe that there is a lot more potential in this bird, even without UncleTgt's input!
I hope that there are some enthusiasts around that will not only recognise the importance of the Do24, but also that your base model is very well done, and minor adjustments could make a super add-on!
I'm hoping to hear more soon...


By way of redress:redf:, I still have the original workfiles - what format bmps work best in FS9?

I only have CFS 2, so I couldn't test them, but I could easily change bmp formats without losing too much quality ...
I thought we made a good job on it back in the early CFS2 days but looking back at it and revisiting those real plane shots I'm not quite sure anymore. :)

Well it kept me entertained for hours when I first found it! ;)

Who knows, maybe after the 108 and 110, eh..?
very usefull, got the itch again.

An update of your earlier work would be great Wim, but I woulden't mind if you would finish your D.XXI first. ;)

The Do-24 has always fascinated me, due to it's Dutch history.

(BTW I sure hope someone's NOT planning on doing that ATT Frankenstein thing, with it's turboprops and landing gear.. brrr... )