Do AI target vehicles move?


Charter Member
In QC, do the AI target vehichles (tanks, trains, trucks) actually move? When seen in the player/target veiw (or from a distance) they just seem to be spinning wheels and throwing up dust, but they don't progress. I thought I used to see them move.
Yes, they move at the appropriate speeds provided that a route has been programmed for them (usually as part of the scenario).

Of course, a vehicle moving 15 MPH at sea level won't appear to be moving particularly fast when your several hundred yards away and flying at 200 MPH. Mind you, if you crash close enough to a vehicle column, you will see them trundling by.

Here's a YouTube that I did of some vehicles that I made. I recorded them by creating a scenario where I drove around in an armoured car and recorded the video from that viewpoint.

Note that most tanks in CFS3 do not have moving treads. That was a special feature that I built into mine. Otherwise, wheels turn automatically and guns rotate and fire automatically.
I have the same problem as you wsmwsm.
the vehicles and trains just sit there and stutter but non targeted vehicles drive right by.
I believe there was talk of fixing this in ETO, something with the spawns maybe?
No, in QC, as Dancat says, the vehicles just sit there and stutter. They are not moving at all. However, the vechicles found in "Missions" do seem to move.

I've checked this out. The targeted vehicles do not move in QC in a "vanilla" CFS3 install, in ETO or in MAW. (Can't tell with PTO since I cannot located any available rail traffic or convoys, this being the Pacific and all).
No, in QC, as Dancat says, the vehicles just sit there and stutter. They are not moving at all. However, the vechicles found in "Missions" do seem to move.

I've checked this out. The targeted vehicles do not move in QC in a "vanilla" CFS3 install, in ETO or in MAW. (Can't tell with PTO since I cannot located any available rail traffic or convoys, this being the Pacific and all).

are you sure? in QC ground target missions I used to land on the road (the p38 or bf110 work great for that) some distance ahead of trucks, tank columns and next to railway tracks, taxied out of the way and watched the vehicles/trains moving past (from my pilot seat). They didn't open fire or anything, but move they did...

of course my install is not "vanilla" at all, but that should not make a difference (or should it?)
I am sure. Or at least, that is my experience. In a QC ground attack mission, en route to the target, vehichles near airbases or around factories can be seen moving. But the targeted ai (purple on the target screen) are stationary. Again, this is QC missions.