do any FSX downloads work in CFS3?


Charter Member
do any FSX downloads work in CFS3? There are some gorgeous paint jobs for ships it'd be fun to import. Are any parts workable across platforms before I start corrupting files by tinkering?
Sounds often will work, though there are some done in a newer format specific to FSX, however I think the majority still use the old format which is CFS3 compatible. Other than that there are textures that can sometimes be converted for use in CFS3. I don't know about FSX, but there are a few CFS2 and FS2004 aircraft that also have a CFS3 version and the texture mapping is compatible.
do any FSX downloads work in CFS3? There are some gorgeous paint jobs for ships it'd be fun to import. Are any parts workable across platforms before I start corrupting files by tinkering?

Hi GAW, in respect of ships, I see an increasing number of addons uploaded to SOH provide the GMax source file. For example a number of CFS2 ships. This offers a real opportunity to add diversity if the owners of the work are willing to allow the models to be ported over to CFS3.

I would guess that if you get permission, any Gmax files from FSX could with a bit of work be converted to be compatible with CFS3 by exporting as an m3d?

Textures for FSX in .dds format will need flipped vertically. FSX supports .dds DXT1 format (CFS3-compatible) and DXT5 (not compatible): conversion may be needed. Watch the alpha channel too: FSX uses alpha to control reflection or opacity, depending on how the original model was built. Compiled models are not CFS3-compatible but gmax source files can be made compatible for anything gmax can export to, with some work. Sounds are fine - I have an FS9/FSX soundpack for my model which sounds terrific.

One consideration: CFS3 expects a single texture file (without alpha) for the model if the .mos (damage effects) file is to work: FSX models often use lots of texture files.
Textures for FSX in .dds format will need flipped vertically. FSX supports .dds DXT1 format (CFS3-compatible) and DXT5 (not compatible): conversion may be needed. Watch the alpha channel too: FSX uses alpha to control reflection or opacity, depending on how the original model was built. Compiled models are not CFS3-compatible but gmax source files can be made compatible for anything gmax can export to, with some work. Sounds are fine - I have an FS9/FSX soundpack for my model which sounds terrific.

One consideration: CFS3 expects a single texture file (without alpha) for the model if the .mos (damage effects) file is to work: FSX models often use lots of texture files.

Thanks for that info all in one place, Hairyspin! Very helpful, I hope to take a look at these things as health and time allow.