Do not use the W40Do17z in any mission upload

Foute Man

Charter Member

In ETO there is a Do17Z (labeled W40Do17z) that should not be in it (old textures, old FM, old namingconvention). It's the 1./KG 76 F1+FH in BoB colours, originally released as FS aircraft
I have requested the ETO to delete this aircraft and to replace this aircraft with a new one which has new textures, new FM and a new naming convention (completely the same way as other new Do17Z standalones I made for ETO)

It's my kind request not to use this aircraft in any mission you make and upload for ETO untill the new aircraft is there

It's going to be completely deleted with the next update, so if you create and upload any missions with that aircraft, they will be having conflicts after the next ETO update.

I have already made a new version of this aircraft, it won't be an official missionplane however, so I don't know when it will be available. I hope soon
