Do we say P3 or BHaH .....

Should we all start saying BHaH or P3 ?

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BHaH it more like it.

Although it is Phase 3 of a 3 phase project, it does have a formal name. :)


PS... I watched some of the movie... in short... awesome movie, partly realistic, and definately Hollywooded. MvR never flew with Jasta 14 or 30, so why put him in their early D.III's. And a whore house??? Never, not for MvR.

More on that later. ;)
I don't really care what everybody else says, but I doubt I'll be using BHAH much myself. First, it sounds like a sarcastic sneer. Second, it reminds me too much of old hated enemies the cz and bish from my MMO days. You know, that whole sheep schtick :)
how bout HH
For Heaven and Hell,
its two characters... which is what the hunt and peck typers are looking for
and it pays proper respect to the wishes of its creators.
I gotta say that BHAH doesn't exactly roll off the tongue. I expect that Phase two will soon be a fading memory and we might all soon just be calling OFF BHAH just plain old 'OFF' for short. Of course then someone will mention OFF4, hehe, and away we go again.
HAHAHAHHAHA!!! I'm not tellin' ;)

OVS, are you sure you didn't mean BHAHAHAHAHA!!?

Seriously, OFF BHaH should certainly be used in all formal references to the game (interviews, advertisements, etc.), since that is its complete title. But since the project has now come to its full and long-planned fruition, simply referring to it as 'OFF' would probably be sufficient on this forum, going forward, with the assumption that P3 was being referred to. If anyone needed to refer to an earlier phase, they could specify P1 or P2 as appropriate. I love the subtitle "Between Heaven and Hell", but as an acronym, BHaH is perhaps a tad inelegant looking.
I personally like 'Phase 3' because it suggests there might be a 'Phase 4'. ;-)