I agree, the Pfeil was a hell of a design but if they had stuck with the late 109's, late Focke Wulf's and pushed a pure fighter 262(getting it in the air a year earlier than it's design change order to a bomber forced a delay), the daylight bombing could have been ground to a halt. It was bad enough as it was. Myself and two other good friends here had family members who were B-17 crew members during the War. Hearing them talk about what they went through gives me chills. These guys I knew only flew about 1/3 of their missions without P-51 escorts but even after the Mustang's arrived, it was still pretty rough. My uncle told me when the Me 262's started showing up, there was pretty much zero they could do about them. Way too fast passing through the box formation on slashing attacks. The late model Focke Wulf and 109G10/14 and K's were nearly as bad he claimed. As noted here, he said there just wasn't enough of them to turn the tide. He speculated had more of these late prop types and more of the jets been available to the Luftwaffe, things could have ended up different or at the very least prolonging the inevitable.