Docks and Harbours


Charter Member 2012
Is there anyway to increase frame rates around docks and harbours in ETO? I tried removing some and then all of the buildings from Dover and it seemed to make little or no difference. I am considering upgrading my graphics card would that make any difference? Oh and I noticed something odd with Eastchurch airfield. Someone has moved the hangars....

PS I like the new flak flares just in time for Guy Fawkes night too :costumes:
Is there anyway to increase frame rates around docks and harbours in ETO? I tried removing some and then all of the buildings from Dover and it seemed to make little or no difference. I am considering upgrading my graphics card would that make any difference? Oh and I noticed something odd with Eastchurch airfield. Someone has moved the hangars....

There's a hotfix out in a week or so with ammended facilities which should help this....and thanks for the Eastchurch info :)

What card have you at the moment? I just bought an Nvidia 6800GT for less than £30 which has worked wonders on my install. My previous card was an FX5200 which meant sliders on 2 at most :(
Have you got a new PC then Clive? I use the FX5200, which is the best I could find as my PC has only old PCI sockets, so couldn't take more powerful cards.

e you got a new PC then Clive? I use the FX5200, which is the best I could find as my PC has only old PCI sockets, so couldn't take more powerful cards.

I got a professionally reconditioned pc last year off Ebay which luckily had an agp slot :) I think I paid around £100 for it. Worth every penny to just to see cfs3 with the silders on 5 after all these years!

Btw Chris the airfield is Newchurch, not Eastchurch. I've fixed the problem but not sure if it's in time to make the hotfix.
Opps sorry youre right even says Newchurch in the picture :redf:. Is it just a case of removing the airfield and rotating it when you reinstall it? Might have a go myself later. Im currently running a Nvidia 6200 through AGP with 1 gig ram and 1.8 processor I think... Was seriously considering a new graphics card but concerned the rest of the computer might let it down. Did try a 7 series nvidia card a few months back but i couldnt get it to work so not sure its worth the risk. Cheers for the help anyhow and Ill look forward to the fix

Dai helped me with this just a few days ago. Find the facilities that are causing problems. Probably most docks or harbors. Open the facility file after backing it up with a rename. Delete all or most of the "dock" buildings and you will see a big improvement. I got rid of my ships first it it's not necessary. For some reason the docks are vertex heavy or something like that. Maybe layered with other files? Anyhow it worked great for me. But now I have stock files back it for multiplayers. It might not be necessary for buildings but I need to test it first. It worked on New Haven.
It will be in the fix and that will be released the 4th or 5th right after the election is over.
Have you got a new PC then Clive? I use the FX5200, which is the best I could find as my PC has only old PCI sockets, so couldn't take more powerful cards.

Hi Beau, at the risk of hijacking this thread, I had an FX5200 for quite a while. By keeping up to date with DX9c updates, and Nvidia video card driver updates, and ALSO remembering to check that you have the latest firmware from your video card manufacturer (including bios IIRC), it was surprising how well the card went.

The critical formula for best look was to use the highest video resolution the card could handle, with lower slider settings. This looks a lot better than a lower resolution (say 800 x 600) with higher slider settings.

Oh, and the config needed to be tweaked just right!
Oh, and Riva Tuner or similar also helped!
It only took me a few years to get it looking ok :costumes: