Does Anyone have a Copy of the Alphasim TSR-2 still?


Charter Member
I'm working on a personal project to update the TSR-2 for P3Dv5; I have useable external and internal models but I'm a bit puzzled that the fictional ones don't have weapons, though they should have according to the read-me. In FS2004 they were made visible using the Concorde nose lift/lower keys but these are not available in FSX/P3D. There are no weapons visible on my models at all in MCX, so my question is do they operate correctly in the original model in FS2004 and have I lost them somewhere along the way?:dejection: If I have, is there anywhere I can get a fresh copy, otherwise I'll start making my own...

Many thanks folks

Thanks both. I can see I'm going to have to find/make something suitable! Mind you, I haven't tried it in FS2004 - not currently loaded here. Meanwhile, if anyone wants to try and post a screenshot with payload loaded please do!

Thanks again

I have it and the weapons do work as advertised in FS9.
Odd thing is when viewed in MCX there is no sign of the weapons hidden somewhere in the model and no mention of the concord nose controls in the animation editor so how they achieved this is way beyond me.
Anyway here's come screenshots of the weapons in sim.
Many thanks for clearing that up DB. That is weird and a bit freaky. How did they do that?? Those models must exist somewhere. It's only a guess but they may have a different LOD value to the main model; I remember working on a Canberra model years ago where I couldn't get the tip tanks to show without changing the LOD. I'll see what I can find.

Dave, I figured out how to import the weapons and also the dragchute.

In MCX, set Options > Importer settings> SCASMReader > Use conditions = UserSpecified
When you select the model file for import, the "Set condition variables" window will popup. Scroll down the list and set the following variables:

thrust_reverser0 = 100 (controls dragchute visibility)
right_flap = 100
left_flap = 100
engine0 = 100
lever_parking_brake = 100
visor = 100 (controls payload visibility)
concorde_nose = 0, 50 or 100 (controls payload configuration)

You need to do multiple imports with different values for visor and concorde_nose to retrieve all payload configurations (models 2 and 3 each have 3 different configrations):

model 2:
visor = 100 and concorde_nose = 100 gives 4x Martel
visor = 100 and concorde_nose = 50 gives tanks / bombs
visor = 100 and concorde_nose = 0 gives tanks / 2x Martel

model 3:
visor = 100 and concorde_nose = 100 gives tanks, AIM9, AGM-88
visor = 100 and concorde_nose = 50 gives tanks, AIM9, Sky Shadow ECM/BOZ
visor = 100 and concorde_nose = 0 gives tanks, Paveways, Sky Shadow ECM/BOZ
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Thanks Henk. I'd already started experimenting with importer settings but got nowhere so many many thanks again.

It was at the original developers request (Dave Hanvey and Paul Barry, IIRC) that the TSR2 they made for Alphasim not be released as freeware.
At Team SDB we had an AI version they made for us that we used in a couple sceneries but they were greatly dumbed down.

Many thanks for clearing that up DB. That is weird and a bit freaky. How did they do that?? Those models must exist somewhere.
A good looking aircraft indeed.
I did have the Virtavia/Alpha TSR-2, & had a lot of fun with it, before my laptop & all my library downloads on portable drives got stolen.

A lot of irreplaceable planes & scenery went missing, especially stuff from sites that have disappeared.
I can only find the FSX version. Maybe I'll drop in in FS2004 & see what happens.
A good looking aircraft indeed.
I did have the Virtavia/Alpha TSR-2, & had a lot of fun with it, before my laptop & all my library downloads on portable drives got stolen.

A lot of irreplaceable planes & scenery went missing, especially stuff from sites that have disappeared.
I can only find the FSX version. Maybe I'll drop in in FS2004 & see what happens.

Thanks to all - I have what I need now.

ZSwobbie - I didn't know someone had already done an FSX version; It won't be the Alphasim one as that was never freeware.

It's Erwin Welker's version, that I found at
And I found
Ito's FS2004 version as well.

I would still love to get hold of a decent FS2004 version though.
