Does anyone here use Fraps?

I have used FRAPS for quite a while but have only had a problem when my pc end PC needs de-fragging and cleaning up.

I usually take about a twenty frame hit when recording. I go from 60 to 35-40 frames when recording. Also try and bump up the frame recording speed in movie settings

If you are getting hit really hard try a different screen resolution and also grab the latest video drivers for your card

I usually take about a twenty frame hit when recording. I go from 60 to 35-40 frames when recording. Also try and bump up the frame recording speed in movie settings

If you are getting hit really hard try a different screen resolution and also grab the latest video drivers for your card


I got from the normal 60 frams to 5 when I start recording!!! What am I doing wrong.
I got from the normal 60 frams to 5 when I start recording!!! What am I doing wrong.

Probably nothing - you 're running a graphically incredibly intensive program while trying to record that very same program. I 'd say it's no wonder that some computers have difficulty doing those two things at the same time. My PC can't record either...

But what do I know - I'm not a PC guru.
I got from the normal 60 frams to 5 when I start recording!!! What am I doing wrong.

One other thing to try is to put a check mark at "no Sync" option.

Also do you have a second hard drive available? Even an external one. If you do point your recordings to it. This stops your gaming hard drive from getting bottle necked. Fraps movies are huge because there is no compression. It writes a lot of data when recording

Growler Guncam is pretty good too. it doesn't hurt FPS nearly as badly as FRAPS.