Does anyone know if there's a Speedcanard?

This is a cool little Canard. I have quite a few pics of it I found online...

I dont believe anyone has made it.

I don't know of a Gyroflug Speedcanard but there is a Swiss GA aircraft that looks very much like it at FlightSim called the Aeriks Aeris by WoWAir Design. It is a nice little aircraft to "fly" in FS. Just go to and do a search for There is also the Rutan Long-EZ by Olivier Marechal on Avsim, search for I think there is also an update and a few repaints for it also. Those are the only aircraft I know of that are modelled in FS that are anything like the picture you posted, I hope these help fill the void for now.
Thanks for those stoney 71, i'll have a look while atempting to get some gmax skills :)

Real Aeriks look good too, although I do prefer the speed canard, i'll definitely have to check that one out.

Another one I'd love (I know this one doesn't exist for fs) is a sprint 160 (my dad has one :) ) they're great fun.
