Does anyone miss....

Desert Rat

Library Staff
Staff member
...the 'quick reply' box? I know I do, is it a new software thing or a choice? I find myself not participating quite as much as on my slow ASDL the full reply takes longer. A handy quick retort was often just the ticket, or was it just me?

I think it went bye-bye on one of the recent forum software updates. I don't exactly miss it but it was on occasion handy. At least with the latest version I can again post on the Ipad creating paragraphs where needed without all the lines running into one long thing that confuses more than it clarifies.

D'ya know what Jamie, I'd forgotten about that little beauty!

Yes, have to agree, it was one of those simple but effective things. But like the easy search/use of the archives its gawn.......:kilroy:


Not missing it much, not nearly as much as a post editor that works correctly. Lately editing a post takes longer than re-typing the entire thing as the cursor always defaults back to the beginning TWICE. I have to click twice where I want to correct or insert else the corrections end up at the beginning of the post.

aggravating !
...but the only thing constant is change.

having very similar issues here. Whenever I post a reply or such, if I click in the text box the browser jumps halfway down the page. Only on the third attempt does it stay put. Same thing happens when editing. Also noticed that whenever I paste any links it puts them at the start of the post even when my cursor is at the bottom, several tries (possibly three?) before it 'takes'.
