Does anyone now where I can get Japanese voices for CFS1?


Charter Member
There use to be a Japanese Radio voice package available here a long time ago!

Does anyone where I can get it.

There is one available in Simviation but that one is a translated English version.

Thank you!:wavey:
That may sound silly. miamieagle, but why not try to enter in contact with a Japanese forum, especially one oriented towards aviation?

Sometimes, English-speaking peoples do go there and ask questions, and most of them are being answered.

If, like me, your PC browser is not rigged for Japanese writing, most of it will be gibberish, but the basic structure is the same and most of hem recognize European alphabet.

No harm in asking politely:173go1:...
~S~...You might try CFS 2...probably transferable....Abacus also has addons for CFS...Pacific theater...I think that they are probably still available...
Thank you Guys!

To some members surprise you can fly in The Pacific Theater also through CFS1!

I get bore of shooting Ai German planes all the time. Sometimes I need a break and see some palm trees.

Thank you again!
O.K. you have got me curious...What are you up to in CFS?...or are you just opening a Sushi bar in Paris?
Thank you my friend!

I believe to be a real World war two Fight Simulator Pilot you need to fly in every Thearter and in every Airforce that participated in Word World war two!

I believe this Sim needs to expand more toward the PTO so it will treated in the same level like CFS2 and IL46 in its own category!

Thank you again!:wavey:
I like the Pacific Theater also. Anyone know where I can find Tainan airbase in Taiwan? (Home of the Tainan Kokutai)

- Ivan.
Hi Hubbabubba,

Thanks for the offer. I really don't have any significant information other than it being a base for the Tainan Kokutai. Just about any of their bases (Lae perhaps) would be useful for the Japanese in the Pacific Theater.

- Ivan.