Does Anyone Remember.....?



Hey Everyone

Can anyone tell me were I can find that superb Caudron C.450 thats was mentioned on a forum sometime last year (don't ask me whick one because I don't remember), it's not the one at Flightsim, that one isn't very well done and it crashes FS9 for me. This model has a very nice VC and incredable sound.:kilroy:


P.S. This was the Thread I was talking about, but it's from before the Crash that accured a while back.

Hidden gem: French racer! - Sim-Outhouse ForumsThe French Caudron-Renault C450 and C460 (With retractable landing gear). Two liveries each, great VC ..... Caudron C 450 // version beta avril 2008 ...
Like the site, but thats not the C.450 i'm looking for. Thanks for pointing out the site though.:applause:
My thanks, hard to figure out webpage links in Russian though. LOL:icon_lol:

My Thanks.
The Caudron set on AvsimRu was not intended to be uploaded anywhere. It was released in a Sim magazine on CD. This is from the author Gilles Faulmeyer. The download does not have any documentation, and the AC was never completed. No word as to whether Mr Faulmeyer will finish it some day.