Does Auto-rudder really work?



I was moving some stuff around and only had my CH Fighterstick (USB) plugged in and wanted to see if it was feasible to run without rudder pedals (and my Pro Throttle). I was able to whip up a CH Map to get he throttle correct and all the functions I need that require 2-3 keystrokes combined. I set "Auto-rudder" in workshop and when I went to fly the rudder was locked at full left. If I turned off auto rudder it was centered and the keyboard commands worked, but tapping a key would never cut it in a fight. Am I missing something? It's not even for me as I have a full HOTAS, but being a curios guy I wonder what those ( like a couple friends I would like to get interested) would do with only a joystick?
Never tried auto rudder, but those with "only" a joystick would have to use keys. Half decent sticks have twist for rudder these days.

Sure the rudder wasn't still assigned to your pedals that were unplugged?
Never tried auto rudder, but those with "only" a joystick would have to use keys. Half decent sticks have twist for rudder these days.

Sure the rudder wasn't still assigned to your pedals that were unplugged?

Yep, I reset everything and created a new profile for the Joystick. The keys are useless, they move the rudder in small increments and it stays where it is set. If you get it in full deflection it would take about 20 keypresses to return it...
What about CFS3 is that installed? Is it ok for you there?
Honestly haven't even tried it, was just messing around with BHaH.. which is all I really care about either way. The WWI planes are (and should be because of the speed involved) a bit more dependent on rudder deflection, no?
Hi there

The autorudder function works fine in CFS3 and in OFF. Sounds to me like the controller software is not doing what you think it should be.

Hi there

The autorudder function works fine in CFS3 and in OFF. Sounds to me like the controller software is not doing what you think it should be.


By "works fine", do you mean it works coordinated with the ailerons automatically? I just retested and its locked in full left rudder when selected and if I unselect it the rudder centers properly. The controller software is doing nothing. Thanks for the "it works fine" input but as there is only a joystick with a throttle connected I don't think i'm confused about what my contoller is "controlling". I am blessed with the finances to get whatever controller happens to work. I just noticed that with a singualr controller there seems to be a problem and thought it was worthy of mention to the many that can't buy a $350 HOTAS outfit.
Hi, Gary
You can get an ordinary THRUSTMASTER T Flightstick X, or a similar one, for 30 - 40 Euro (don't know in dollar).
On that, you can turn the stick round the vertical axis, left or right, for rudder function. I would highly recommend to use rudder actively, as WW1 planes can really do a lot with good rudder work!
The greater thing would be rudder pedals, but they cost here 120,- Euro, and I haven't got them yet. But for me, it works fine, using the stick rudder.
Give it a try - you'll make a much better experience!
Hi Olham54 -

I understand that there are other solutions but for the guys I know that have CH Fightersticks I was hoping, just to get them started, that the "Auto-rudder" would be better than no rudder. I have a CH USB Fighterstick, USB Pro Throttle, and USB Pro pedals... I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm just going to tell them to pony up and buy CH rudder pedals!