when you do get a chance to look at your ETO PC, please let me know where the files are so I can have a go at editing them. I can find tons of xml spawns files in the spawns folder, but have no idea which one is relevant to which campaign, can't find any .bdp files in the spawns or campaign folder of my directory, but I'm probably looking in the wrong place (Don't get me wrong I know all there is to know about Microsoft Flight Sim 98 to X, but CFS3 with an ETO install makes me feel like a fish out of water at this stage, but I'm learning as quickly as I can thanks to the help of you and others in the community!!)
The campaign file in my install is located thusly D:\Program Files (x86)\CFS3 ETO Expansion\campaigns
The file itself is called 1945.xml. It can be edited in Notepad, but I prefer the freeware software called xmlwrench. This helps you to see all the different sections in 1945.xml quickly and easily.
1945.xml is where you add aircraft, under the <techtree> section. See the threads I've provided for discussion on adding aircraft to campaign files.
The campaign 1945.xml has problems and badly needs editing. For example, in the phases section, Germany loses and aircraft after the first phase!! You are going to need to add aircraft otherwise your skies will be fairly empty. viz:
<Date Month="1" Year="1945"/>
<Country Name="USA" F="76" B="11"/>
<Country Name="Britain" F="69" B="11"/>
<Country Name="Germany" F="80" B="5"/>
<Date Month="2" Year="1945"/>
<Country Name="USA" F="96" B="18"/>
<Country Name="Britain" F="70" B="18"/>
<Country Name="Germany" F="0" B="0"/>
<Date Month="3" Year="1945"/>
<Country Name="USA" F="96" B="18"/>
<Country Name="Britain" F="70" B="18"/>
<Country Name="Germany" F="0" B="0"/>
You can see that from February 1945, no German fighters or bombers are provided for. Very easy to fix just bung in similar numbers to January.
Also, under the techtree section, USA and British bombers are pretty unimaginative. I think you are right to want to add a few more "heavies".
If you want to look at the bomber intercept spawns, you come out of the Campaigns folder and scroll down your install to the Spawns folder. In my setup the pathway is D:\Program Files (x86)\CFS3 ETO Expansion\spawns.
Are you using stock spawns or running the spawn selector - "3. Allied Side ETO Campaign"? I will assume you are using option 3 from the spawn selector, and Era 5 under ETO start.
Sorry I put you crook there is no set of bomber intercept spawns for campaign play, only a more generic "intercept.spawns" set. In this case the intercept.spawns file will tell you which spawn xml files control the enemy aircraft which you are intercepting (set the .spawns extension to open by default with Notepad):
"<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SpawnControl Stop="n" Priority="1000">
<Spawns Roll="1D4">
<Spawn ID="1" FormationType="CMP_MG_German_FB_6,CMP_air_German_escort_6"/>
<Spawn ID="2" FormationType="CMP_MG_German_Bombers_6,CMP_air_German_escort_6"/>
<Spawn ID="3" FormationType="CMP_MG_German_FB_6,CMP_air_German_escort_6"/>
<Spawn ID="4" FormationType="CMP_MG_German_FB_6,CMP_air_German_escort_6"/>
So for example there are 4 different formations possible (die roll is one four-sided dice 1D4). If die roll is 1, then the spawns which are activated are CMP_MG_German_FB_6.xml, escorted by CMP_air_German_escort_6.xml.
I can see one big problem straight away - Only one of the four possible options involves bombers - that is if the die roll=2. The other three options are fighter bombers (FB). So if you are interested in intercepting bomber formations you might want to add a few different bomber xml spawns and add corresponding die roll options to the intercept.spawns file. Or change the FB xml files to mention bombers not fighter bombers
The trick with all this messing around with xml files is to open existing ones to see how it is done. Copy the syntax exactly. So #bombers and #fighters are plural, but fighter_bomber, tactical_bomber and level_bomber are singular. Just copy what syntax is used in other spawn files.
I will upload the Campaign SDK to the set of MS Insider docs.