DOes MSFS 2020 play well with other sims..?


If you have MSFS 2020 installed along with X-Plane 12 and DCS, without issues, I would appreciate a thumbs up.
I am building out a new machine and would appreciate some guidance.
Many thanks..
All sims are independent and never interfere with each other.
The only time such a problem occurred is between the original FSX and the Steam version of FSX. It never happened with any other sim, or any other version of a sim. So no fear, your new computer will be safe to receive XPlane, MSFS, P3D and whatever else you want, provided you have enough space on your SSDs ;)

PS: at some point I had FSX Steam, XP11 and P3Dv4 installed on my computer.
I have MSFS and X-Plane 11 installed on the same drive, and they are completely independent of each other - no issues whatsoever. Why I still have XP still installed, after not touching it for over two years, is another question.