Does MSFS depend on "One Drive" ?


Now I have a new problem. Does MSFS depend on ""One Drive" to link, store, using rolling cash or anything else to operate properly?

When I moved the contents of my Community folder to a desk top folder last night, now I'm being bothered by continual notices that my 5 GB storage is full. The thing has put a red X on the folder and all of the contents inside (63 items).

I tried moving a few simple repaints and one scenery ( a freeware one ) back into the current Community and they do not show up in MSFS.

I've been reading on how to unsync "One Drive" and I'll just rehash what I want to put back into MSFS


Thanks, Don


  • desk.jpg
    310 KB · Views: 118
... oh and when I selected (uploaded) the above pics, they both had a red X placed on them, so who knows if they will stay on this post for viewing if I turn off "One Drive"

All of my pay ware sceneries and the PMDG DC-6, Waco and the like folders all had red X on them .... but I can reinstall those the old fashion way ... I was just trying to move them back into the current Community folder
I know nothing about 'One Drive' so i am sorry i am of no use to you when it comes to that. I'd just like to say what a totally amazing photo you have on your desktop ! It does painfully put the finger on the fact how tiny and unsignificant we are. Doesn't that bother you every time you turn on your computer ?... :)

On a side note: with each and every installation of an MSFS patch/hotfix i have never ever done anything with my Community folder. One of the reasons might be that i've got my MSFS installation from Steam and that a patch/hotfix installation starts automatically after you hit the MSFS icon. I just didn't want to stop the process, just go ahead and see what happens. Never a problem sofar when it comes to that. My Community folder is about 57 Gig atm and counting. ( btw, if you do want to remove the content of the Community folder each time a patch has to be installed, wouldn't it be possible to just rename your Community folder and put up an empty Community folder next to it. Change that back once the patch is installed ? )

Thanks for showing that amazing photo, i saved it, hope you don't mind. ;-)
The only thing I can think of is that your Windows libraries (desktop, downloads, documents, pictures and so forth) are pointing to your OneDrive. Other than that, I'm pretty sure that by default, there is no link between MSFS and OneDrive.


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I guess your desktop is linked to your Onedrive.
It was an option I also had during my latest install of Onedrive.
It even linked some of my shortcuts to start programs to Onedrive.
Still have to figure out how to revert...🙄
I turned OneDrive off for my Flightsim computer......... after it copied a lot of stuff from my Laptop onto my desktop, even startup icons of programs that I don't have on both computers.
OneDrive is a nice idea, but you have to think it over and plan befire using it, or it will be too intrusive.

So to answer the question: no, MSFS does not depend on OneDrive...... but you may have made it so.
I turned OneDrive off for my Flightsim computer......... after it copied a lot of stuff from my Laptop onto my desktop, even startup icons of programs that I don't have on both computers.
OneDrive is a nice idea, but you have to think it over and plan befire using it, or it will be too intrusive.

So to answer the question: no, MSFS does not depend on OneDrive...... but you may have made it so.

Hi Francois! :wavey:

@Flameout I don't let my One Drive write to the cloud. Actually, I don't let any of my programs write to the cloud. I have cloudless skies and drives. :)
I actually uninstalled OneDrive from both of my laptops. I use Google Drive installed locally on both and pay $1.99/month for a TB storage quota. It's much easier to use than the MS offering.
I actually uninstalled OneDrive from both of my laptops. I use Google Drive installed locally on both and pay $1.99/month for a TB storage quota. It's much easier to use than the MS offering.

Hi Tom, any chance you explain in what way Google drive is simpler to use than OneDrive ?

Until now I have been only using OneDrive, because I liked the interface. I have used it for many years (from before it was called OneDrive... what was the previous name again?...).
When they introduced the storage space limitations, I decided to subscribe to Office365, which granted me a Terabyte of data again (in addition to the full Office tools), so I store most of my pictures and important files in there, especially from my phone.
Perhaps I'm just too much used to it ?
I just can't get to like the Google tools :/ Maybe the original reason I never switched to using the google tools is Google Mail. I hated the interface of that tool, whereas Hotmail/Outlook was behaving/displaying exactly as I expected/needed...
Hi Francois! :wavey:

@Flameout I don't let my One Drive write to the cloud. Actually, I don't let any of my programs write to the cloud. I have cloudless skies and drives. :)

Accidents happen.
If someday an actual cloud appears from your computer (smoke/fire,toasted hardware anyways), you might be happy to have a copy of your important files on the cloud...
That also applies to your phone.
Hi Tom, any chance you explain in what way Google drive is simpler to use than OneDrive ?
It could just be a matter of preference. With Google, I have one folder that syncs with all my devices. I don't have to worry about whether I turned on this folder or that to sync, and I know that my Documents folder really is my Documents folder and not actually some other folder within the One Drive system. One of my past jobs as an IT admin had me going into users' files to find this or that (usually .pst files), and you'd navigate into their username\documents folder and find it empty, even though that's where the user said they were. Turned out they were actually in the One Drive folder with Windows redirecting there from Documents. That's fine for people that aren't tech-minded, but I don't want that on my rigs.