Does Squadron rating affect friendly AI?



I ask because I'm flying in Jasta 13, 1916 and their rating is poor. Returning from a patrol, my flight of 4 eindeckers descended for what I believed to be an approach to the field when all three others casually entered controlled flight into terrain ( a hillside in Alsace to be a bit more precise). I stayed apart and saw the leader go in first, then kept watching as each one successively flew serenely into the ground. I then landed back at the field. Fortunately we didn't lose anybody but they're doing good business for Mr. Fokker. So, just wondering if the squadron rating can affect the friendy AI flying ability or do they just have trouble with hilly terrain during landing sequences as we've seen with other sims?
Thanks Pol. I don't mean to contradict, but while flying in RNAS 8 before my demise by AA, I was jumped by twp ALB DII's during the squadron transfer mission and the rest of the flight flew on to the new base. The enemy were dispatched and I continued to the new airfield, Vert Gallant, where I saw the other three members of my flight, sitting on the far end of the airfield. They landed. But, I'll not it expect it then.
Aircraft landing back at base is a problem, even in the original CFS3. However it is on the list of to-do's'.

Sometimes aircraft will land OK and stop at the far end of the airfield, or sometimes further on (terrain allowing). However, on many occasions they will overfly the home base, do a very wide orbit then approach and crash short of the airfield.
Yeah or ram each other.. they do land sometimes as you and Sandbagger say :)

But we have done no work on landing so some do some don't. We are looking into it though.
I always land first, and then I'm straight out of there (into the officers mess for drinkies). I did wait for a while once but the chaps seemed quite content flying circuits for the duration. If it keeps their morale up good luck to them.
This is a ploy to make sure that it is you who buys the first round, and not them. I shouldn't stand for it if I were you.