Dogfight in CFS3


New member
Sometime ago reinstalled with a clean W10 64 and today noticed that I still have CFS3 in one of the drives. Tried and it worked (so far) perfectly. Been a long time without playing it and completly forgot how, in a dog fight, have enemy planes appering again. Remember something about "Spawn". Now when i shot down a plane, have to start all over again. Know there's a way to make this "endless"

Please Help, thanks

Please clarify, in what mode are you flying? IIRC, in Quick Combat 'fighter vs. fighter' the dogfighting is endless and you can continue flying until you run out of ammo, fuel or air. Use the tactical display to see the formation you just shot down spawn again. If you select 'Intercept', 'Escort' etc. the bombers will not spawn again, but as soon as you are over your airfield again after shooting down all enemy fighters, new enemy fighters will spawn. If not, it could be that one is still limping around in the area (black symbol on the tactical display). Finish him off and you should be good.
In missions and campaigns the number of enemies spawning is defined through spawn files etc. One of the mission designers should be able to answer your question when you fly in mission or campaign mode.
I'm going to guess that you mean to stop the enemy from always respawning in Quick Combat...

If so, go to the CFS3 AppData folder:
C:\Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Combat Flight Simulator 3.0\uisel

The second paragraph called <QuickCombat> has <EnemyAircraft> in it:
<Aircraft type="string" val="Tempest V"/>
<Model type="string" val="tempest_mkv"/>
<Quantity type="uint" val="3"/>
<Respawn type="bool" val="y"/>

Change 5th line val="y" to "n" and save...that's it!

nice going on the PSP!