Dogfight junkie, killer artillery


Charter Member
Hey gang, I've been tooling around with my old mods and ETO practicing dogfighting with the best flightmodels. It's a real joy except in my old setup, I notice that in QC I often get killer artillery pounding my home base. Sure, the enemy is close by but what kind of guns actully create the big dustballs and crater dirt shrooms? I'd like to edit these out like I did the old flak. Either that or find a good bas to practice from on the channel. With the NEK suite and the acc airfields in my old setup, brest gets completely hosed by the hords of heavy bangers in the vicinity. Seabase, sub base, oiil refinery, invasion defense, I just want to practice without fussing with missions.

p.s. does editing the maxbullets entry in the game.xml file effect the ground fire? Any other ways to tweak QC?

I would do a separate install, rename it and delete everything in the game except the aircraft and airfields and that should do it. You can also remove all of the guns and all vehicles from the airfields as well. Should improve frame rates also I would think.

OK here's a workaround and could probably be inclulded in a zapper of some kind just for QC use. In the game.xml folder, change to this: General MaxBullets="0" and CanSpawnFormations="false" . This should shut off flak and enemy convoys. It's nice for practicing dogfights and shooting landings afterwards. Air enemy still shoot. I've tested a couple times and I think it works. Now I also edited down the big guns and took out some aa at the seabease at Brest in my old install. No more incoming while landing an taxiing back to hangar. Much nicer way to end a session. :d Let me know what you think. I got it to work in my old install and ETO. With this edit, you shouldnt need to prang your vehicles or facilities. Should easily zap for online play.
Yes this works well. And to think I wasted all that time the past couple years messing with firing angles for all the vehicles!? No flak at all now, but on Dogfight practice that doesn't really matter. Easy enough to switch back, just reset max bullets. You could even fine tune it for them to run out before you come back to land. It may even be max bullets on screen at one time! A rendering setting?

A suggestion. Maybe you it would be interesting to work in a way to fix the number of enemies we face in dogfight mode. Sometimes it is not practical to have an ilimited number of enemy a/c to shoot down if realism is set to 100%.

There is a line in uisel.xml :
<Respawn type="bool" val="y"/>
which command the respawn of ennemy formation after the previous has been wiped out. Just set to "n".
There is a line in uisel.xml :
<Respawn type="bool" val="y"/>
which command the respawn of ennemy formation after the previous has been wiped out. Just set to "n".

but this action will limit the number of enemies to 1 only, will it not?
My point is not about the number of aircraft but the unrealistic close proximity of enemy aaa and other large artillery that will pound your airfield in QC, even in dogfight QC. The respawn setting is fine and helps with air-to-air practice sessions. I am working toward a refined, controllable practice environment that will allow for difficult dogfighting challenges but more subdued home airfield activity that mimmics the fighter-sweep, scramble type of engagement. It's nice to have a cool down period and the chance to practice landings in QC. You can also enjoy the new ACC airfields more this way and easily switch bases in QC.

Another way would be to edit the range of friendly objects to have a wider area around the QC field. I am not sure that is possible. At Brest and on Malta, the guns and ships were all close enough to pound your airfield