Dogfight Video


Mike Dixon

How do chaps,

I've made this quick and easy (mostly) unedited recording of a simple quick combat flight from start to finish, so that those without Phase 3 can see what the AI and general flying is like in the raw.

The quality isn't that good unfortunatly as it's Youtube:

If anyone wants me to make another with a specific plane / enemy then I'll give it a try, presuming my PC doesn't explode when I try to change the Processor soon. :)
Nice vid! Looked like you suffered from target fixation at your final approach?:ernae:
Originaly I was going to put the nose down to fly under him, but thought he might stall towards me and drop ontop of me, but he actualy went sideways and by the time I realised that It was too late. :faint:
Glad you liked it :)
Been here for a long time and never posted but....could you make a video flying a Pfalz D.IIIa? I've never seen a video of it in P3.
I enjoyed the video, but one thing concerns me. I notice that all of the dogfighting takes place close to the ground.

I have very limited experience with CFS3, my PC can't run it well enough to play it so even though I bought OFF BHAH it may be a very long time before I am able to fly it. However, I do have lots of experience with CFS2 and one thing I've noticed there is that no matter what altitude you start at, the AI head for the deck and you end up fighting close to the ground.

Is this true of BHAH as well? Granted, in a prolonged dogfight you may lose altitude, but in CFS2 it seems like the standard approach is go straight to the deck and stay there. The experience seems to fly in the face of written reports that I've read from both World Wars.

How does P3 BHAH handle this? Do the AI fight high, or dive as in CFS2?

I'll let others comment on their experiences, but I only comment as funnily enough tonight I had a test dogfight and was pleased they all stayed high.

I think it will also vary on the date and craft you are flying of course but I just had a Fokker DVII v Camel 4v4 fight at 15k and we stayed mostly up there (until 1 DVII's engine caught fire and he slowly spiralled down).
I stayed high around 10k or so, 15 minutes later I saw 2 Camels chasing a smoking wingman above me fighting. WW1 did get down to the ground often. Turning was mostly the tactics especially early on, but so far I see all things. In P3 various things happen.
Here's a video with a Pfalz flight flying against some French SPAD VIIs:

As for the AI, can't say I've ever thought about it but I'd say most of the dogfights I and my Wingmen have been in usualy end up near the ground after afew mins, but then I usualy fly at or below 5000ft so I don't know if that's a typical result for those that fly over that altitude.
Thanks Pol, that is very encouraging I look forward to a "high altitude" dogfight when I upgrade.

Mike - If you're starting at or below 5K then I can accept ending up on the deck after a few minutes. That strikes me as to be expected, thanks.

I was more concerned about starting at 10K or 15K and heading down right away losing whatever height advantage you started with. Thats the type of behavior I routinely see in CFS2. Which is why I appreciate Pol chiming in with his experience. Sounds great. I sincerely hope this is a very successful venture for the entire OFF team. Thanks again!