Dogpatch Crew Korean install


I am reinstalling my CFS 3 after upgrading my computer and am unable to get any missions or other A/C to show other than the basic ones in Korean intall. I once upon a time had some Skyraider missions. Not sure what I did wrong. I have installed CFS 3.1a and followed the Korean Skies web site instructions. I'm going back for another looksee. Anyone have any help?
Make sure youhave the proper set of files in your global_layer folder. global_layer.csv, gsl.lib AND korea_gsl.lib
My basic CFS 3 runs O.K. and when I bring up Korea install, there are no missions and the aircraft are the F-86 & MIG-15 and the other twin bomber, etc.
I am trying to run them both from a partitioned H.D. I set the paths right but somewhere I am missing something. I am going to load the CFS 3 and DPC Korea on the same partition as my O.S. and see if it works that way.
When you install KS it needs to be put on the same drive as your install of CFS3. such as C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Combat Flight Simulator 3 that way it will pick up the cfs3 files to put into your KS folder. After that you can move KS to were ever you want on your pc or flashdrive, etc. I Don't know if this is the problem but hope this helps.