I keep thinking "the Airiebaba OV-10 is really nice and for a plane I won't fly that much, I can probably just stick with the freeware."
But I know in the end I'll cave. I did so with the Fouga, even though I had the pretty good freeware version, and had zero regrets. Azurpoly's stuff is just *so* good.
Gonna wait for it to hit OrbX or Simmarket, though, due to the sluggishness of Marketplace updates. I can finish learning the C-160 Transall systems while I wait.
You will not get the weapons on the Marketplace either, best to use your approach. Love the freeware version, definitely will get this.
Actually...the good news is, the patch to add the weapons to the marketplace version (along with the paint kit and manual) are already posted on the AzurPoly website under the "RESOURCES" tab.
The weapons patch is already on the Azure website and can be downloaded. Along with the manual.
However, heads up that Azurpoly posted that they'll be sending it to the third-party stores next week, so it won't be a long wait if don't need it on Xbox and you'd rather not have to deal with weapons packs, encrypted files, and delayed updates.