Doriner Do-17 for FS9


Charter Member
FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Warbirds FS2004/FSX Dornier Do17
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Name: Size: 9,321,450 Date: 12-14-2010
FS2004/FSX Dornier Do17 WW2 bomber. The Dornier Do 17M light bomber started out as a simple fast mail plane but became one of the most famous and successful bombers of the Luftwaffe and many smaller nations, spawning a number of combat aircraft firsts. Some planes had bombs removed and cameras installed as Do17P. You get both types. Original model by "Thicko", upgraded to FS2004/FSX by A.F. Scrub.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Over at FlightSim...[/SIZE]


Nobody dare fly the Flying Pencil .....
Myself was scared .. lol ... as I never find the altimeter gauge :)
Anyways the orders of the gruppenleiter bombardierung were ... auf Engeland !!
Anyways before takeoff my mechaniker had to fix the tailwheel ...
point.0 = 1, -26.17, 0, -3.46, 1400, 0, 1.42, 45, 1.06, 2.5, 0.7, 6, 7, 0, 107.4, 120.8





BTW .. seem's the SOH snow disturbe my browser (firefox) as the bottom of the window is jumping like mad :)
Thanks for the headsup Blackbird :applause:

Seeing as it started out as a simple fast mail plane , I'm hoping someone can come up with a non military paint ( fictional is fine ) , please.

Anyone else getting a reversed movement in the control column on this bird. When I want to climb, the stick moves forward (dive), when I want to bank right, the yoke turns to the left.

The texture mapping is laid out really well on this bird....a point of interest for anyone who may sling some paint on it.

Not meaning to detract from this thread...but for those who want more Do-17 varieties, go to the Warbirds Archive, do a search by author for Thickosehaskel (something like that). He has a number of Do-17 variants and a bunch of other really cool planes that work well in FS9. Some may need some FDE tweaks, need effects and lights added on, and some don't have pilots as they are placed by the DP file in CFS2....but all those things are small fry items when compared to the variety of aircraft Thicko produced. German, Russian, Japanese, early US. Definitely worth scrolling through the 9 pages of his uploads. I just had his late Mig-3 up for a flight over Tacoma, Washington. Even with the stock CFS2 FDE in place, the plane was a real joy to fly.

This aircraft has some problems such as reversed controls that OBIO mentioned and props reversed, contact points off, nav lights off, strange strobes this aircraft never had. It's all fixable but why bother, as OBIO said we have better in the library.
I downloaded Thicko's original Do-17M..the CFS2 version...and it has the reversed control yoke action as well. I need to look through his uploads and see if he released a fix for that issue or not.

The Do-17Z2 does not have the issue.

Obio, this may help "[SIZE=-1]Original model by "Thicko", upgraded to FS2004/FSX by A.F. Scrub."[/SIZE]