Dornier Do-24 SAR Pollenca hydro base


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Hallo Friends,

for the nice Dornier Do-24 SAR I search the adequate scenery Pollenca at Mallorca.
When I was a child I spend hollydays there and still did see the Do-24's flying there.
So I wonder if some one knows about a scenery compatible with FS2004 depicting this
spanish hydro base.

Hallo Friends,

the problem of the Pollenca scenery is that the hydro base and the little marina does not correspondent with the coast lines.
Both are a bit too much "into the land".
I tried different meshs but nothing changes.
The problem for me that I have nore the knowledge nore the tools to correct this misplacement or to correct the coastlines.
Could some one of the scenery experts please help me to get this scenery correct?

Hi Michael,

Sorry to reopen this rather older post. I just had exactly the same idea to add exactly the same aircraft traffic at excactly the same place! Obvisouly the package was done for use with Ultimate Terrain. Unfortunately I can't use these addons as CalClassic sceneries aren't compatible. But I'm actually trying to move at least the Poll4nça air base with Instant Scenery 3 and AFX. However, I'm still in the experimental stage. I don't think anyone has found a solution yet. I will definitely delete the nearby marina.

I keep you updated.

I think a program called Ground2k lets you redraw coastlines & land/water classes. Should be around on one sim site or other.
Thanks for the tip. Changing the coastlines for whole Spain would be a tremendous work. Finally I could move the ADE and the objects of the base. As said before, I deleted the marina, as it might not been there in the Sixties.



On this occasion I adjusted the lighthouses and made them smaller. Next I will at least adapt Palma to be more contemporary. AirHispania contains a lot of object and scenery files which have to be checked in default environment. At least the objects placed along the coasts.

Ohhh magnifico!
ah ca me plait déja.
I even remember the hotel we stayed there HOTEL Mollins
And my dad who did know these Do 24's told me about all her history.
For me it was realy exciting for me as a child to see this birds taking off and landing in the bay.
Your scenery will be another step for ward, or lol another brick in the wall of fs9 lol
Glad that you appreciate it. But I'm still struggling with the landing behaviour of the Do-24. It bobs up ud down in final phase. So actually I'm testing several suitable air files. Furthermore I intend to add some Grumman HU-16 Albatross to the scenery, Some should be static and remain on the ground while using a separate ADE.

Bonsoir Bernard,
comme j ais travaillé avec Shessi sur le Du 24 je suis étonné de son comportement comme tu le décris.
ou s agit il d' une version ai?
Si j' en ais le temps demain (si le temps est au beau fixe je bosse sur mon bateau) je vais faire quelques tests avec le Do24.
J espèrequ' il ait le bon comportement. Si c est le cas je te transmettrais la aircraft.cfg et la air file.
Bonne soirée
encore une fois bonsoir Bernard,
vite fait j ais fait un test du Do24 en baie de lorient.
Bon résultat des courses: il ne faut pas dépasser le taux de déscente de 2m/sec juste avant le toucher.
Je n' y connais rien en programmation AI, alors je ne sais pas si c' est programmable.
Ce qui joue aussi, c' est la surface. Il faut que ce soit vraiment de l' eau, car si c' est du solide, juste recouvert visuellement avec de l' eau
le coucou le digère mal.
Je te joins la aircraft.cfg et les deux airfiles. pour la version SAR c' est le T3 qui convient.
Je viens de voir le tdb aie aie, y a du temps qui a passé, faudrait que je le revois un jour
Je pourais essayer si ca ne devient pas trop gros de te zipper le coucou et te l envoyer ou juste la version SAR espagnole.
J' espere que dèja avec les trois files ca pourait le faire, en respectant de ne pas dèpasser un taux de déscente de 2m/sec.
Je ne sais pas combien ca fait en papattes par minutes. LOL coucou teuton -gauges en métrique.


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Michael, many thanks for your support. Unfortunately the files don't improve the behaviour of Shessi's Do-24. Now I use another one, but I have no idea who did it. In order to stabilize the plane, I had to replace the air file by the CL_415.air one. Most seaplanes need this replacment to get stable flights as AI. So I might go head with this scenery. It seems there won't be a HU-16 Albatross floating. They have to stay statically on the ground.

Finally I could set moving and static traffic at Pollença base:


For obivous reasons some Grumman HU-16 Albatross remain static, while an other model is a floating version. The Dornier Do-24 is the same shown above, but with CL_415.air file allowing to perform a stable approach.


This is something really nice. I think the original update was supposed to go with "Real Spain" or something along those lines, since I see that written in the documentation along with Ultimate scenery as well.

I'm glad we were able to get something working with default coastlines.


Miami, FL
Bonjour Bernard,
si tu veux donner un peu de couleurs au Do 24
J ais quelque chose pour toi


  • Dornier Do 24 aircraft in
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Good evening,
just did a flight over Pollenca with the original scenery
Beuhhh c' est triste It's poor
Realy Bernard we need your scenery


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