Dornier Do217


Might be old news, but the Dornier Do-217 is back in Alphasim's store.

It's a real cool aircraft for those with add-on scenery, as the glass canopy (in the VC) allows you to look down at the scenery while you're flying. It's the best of both worlds.

Might be old news, but the Dornier Do-217 is back in Alphasim's store.

It's a real cool aircraft for those with add-on scenery, as the glass canopy (in the VC) allows you to look down at the scenery while you're flying. It's the best of both worlds.


No Screenshots at Alphasim. Was the Cockpit reworked? The He 111 Cockpit is much better.
No Screenshots at Alphasim. Was the Cockpit reworked? The He 111 Cockpit is much better.

Don't know if it was reworked as I never had access to the original version prior to its removal from the store. This is the first time I got to download it. I have the He-111 too, but I already like the Do-217 more than the He-111. They are both quality products in my opinion, and the He-111 will still see a lot of flight time on my computer.

The only issue I have (so far) with the Do-217 is when switching between the views (exterior vs interior) the volume of the engines is a bit extreme for me; but that's not a deal breaker for me as there are work-arounds for issues like that.

I'll try to post some screenshots later this week, if Alphasim doesn't post some on their site.

Was the Cockpit reworked?

Just checked the dates on the files (for FS9 and FSX) and the most current files are dated from 9/06, 10/06, and 11/06. So I don't think much of anything has been updated over the years. Still, I have no complaints about that as I'm having too much fun flying it right now.

Avsim has an old review of version 1.2; I don't know what version is currently in the AlphaSim shop.
